September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:17:00 MST 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 22:47:55 MST 2008
Messages: 431
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- OT: Re: LOL - Things aren't always what they seem at first
SI -
- Hello
Josh Andler
- Hello
Josh Andler
- Hello
Josh Andler
- JOB: Sr. Linux Systm Admin
Shawn Badger
- Fwd: Xorcom Asterisk PBX Solutions Newsletter - Sept 2008
Shawn Badger
- ot: browser
James Lee Bell
- OT: Myth Busters in Tucson
Mike Bushroe
- Openswan to Cisco ASA 5505 VPN Help
Mike Bydalek
- Quick review of Kubuntu with KDE 4.x
Patrick C
- Quick review of Kubuntu with KDE 4.x
Patrick C
- Hello
Patrick C
- OT: Bailout Bill
- ot: browser
Josh Coffman
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Josh Coffman
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Josh Coffman
- OT: remember
Josh Coffman
- OT: remember
Josh Coffman
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Josh Coffman
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Eric Cope
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Eric Cope
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Eric Cope
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Eric Cope
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Eric Cope
- xemacs and mouse selection
Eric Cope
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Eric Cope
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
Eric Cope
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Eric Cope
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Eric Cope
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Eric Cope
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Eric Cope
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
- Linux podcasts
Alan Dayley
- Quick review of Kubuntu with KDE 4.x
Alan Dayley
- OT: Re: LOL - Things aren't always what they seem at first
Alan Dayley
- ANN: Devel Meeting, Thursday, September 4th
Alan Dayley
- Can't post to email lists
Alan Dayley
- Can't post to email lists
Alan Dayley
- OT: remember
Alan Dayley
- OT: Ignite Phoenix II submissions open
Alan Dayley
- OT: For sale-Eee PC 701, lightly used
Alan Dayley
- ABLEConf report?
Alan Dayley
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Alan Dayley
- Hello
Alan Dayley
- OT: remember
Alan Dayley
- OT: remember
Alan Dayley
- OT: Bailout Bill
Alan Dayley
- OT: Bailout Bill
Alan Dayley
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
Alan Dayley
- SOOT: Drupal publish to email module?
Alan Dayley
- IE problem on my website
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
- linux-mag dot com
- ot: browser
Alex Dean
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Alex Dean
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Alex Dean
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows (fixed)
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Micah DesJardins
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
- OT: Re: LOL - Things aren't always what they seem at first
Robert N. Eaton
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
- OT: Bailout Bill
- Changing the Time Zone
Brant Evans
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Dale Farnsworth
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Dale Farnsworth
- 10 years in PLUG
Francois, Jean (J.L.)
- ot: browser
Ben Francom
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Ben Francom
- Any faxheads out there?
Ben Francom
- lists of bands using ogg/vorbis/flac
Mike Garfias
- google closing phoenix office
Mike Garfias
- MRTG and Cisco
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
- 10 years in PLUG
Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
- gnuplot -> HTML
Austin Godber
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
Austin Godber
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
Austin Godber
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- 10 years in PLUG
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- PLUG-discuss Digest, Vol 39, Issue 11
Alan Gore
- FOSS Multi-Party Videoconferencing Solutions?
Ted Gould
- Webcam - Thanks for the Fish!
Matt Graham
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
Matt Graham
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Matt Graham
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Matt Graham
- OT: Linux/PHP job available
Matt Graham
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Matt Graham
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Kurt Granroth
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Kurt Granroth
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Jon M. Hanson
- chgrp not permitted?
Jon M. Hanson
- How to format an external hard drive?
Jon M. Hanson
- 10 years in PLUG
Technomage Hawke
- OT: remember
Technomage Hawke
- OT: remember
Technomage Hawke
- OT: remember
Technomage Hawke
- regarding OT: BUYOUT bill
Technomage Hawke
- Installfest @ Sat, September 27, 10am – 4pm
Alexander Henry
- [Update] Installfest @ Sat, September 27, 10am – 4pm
Alexander Henry
- gnuplot -> HTML
R P Herrold
- OT: Any gamers?
Jason Hiller
- chgrp not permitted?
Robert Holtzman
- OT: remember
Robert Holtzman
- chgrp not permitted?
Robert Holtzman
- chgrp not permitted?
Robert Holtzman
- chgrp not permitted?[SOLVED, sort of]
Robert Holtzman
- OT: Bailout Bill
Robert Holtzman
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Robert Holtzman
- Any gamers?
Nadim Hoque
- ot: browser
Nadim Hoque
- OT: remember
Patrick Jacques
- apt-proxy, apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng. Which one?
- Hello
- LOL - Things aren't always what they seem at first
Charles Jones
- ot: browser
Charles Jones
- ot: browser
Charles Jones
- ot: browser
Charles Jones
- OT: Microsoft patents 'Page Up' and 'Page Down'
Charles Jones
- ot: browser
Charles Jones
- ot: browser
Charles Jones
- running a pc fan outside of a case
Charles Jones
- FOSS Multi-Party Videoconferencing Solutions?
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- OT: remember
Charles Jones
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
Charles Jones
- problem installing Ubuntu in Windows
Charles Jones
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Charles Jones
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Charles Jones
- Webcam on Kubuntu
Lisa Kachold
- I need a Redhat Linux Admin for a 2 month contract for an Immediate start
Lisa Kachold
- OT: lxer contact for ABLEconf?
Lisa Kachold
- lists of bands using ogg/vorbis/flac
Lisa Kachold
- Linux HackFest Flyer in Time for AbleConf
Lisa Kachold
- Linux HackFest Flyer in Time for AbleConf
Lisa Kachold
- ABLEconf table volunteers
Lisa Kachold
- ABLEconf going now
Lisa Kachold
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Bailout Bill
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Bailout Bill
Lisa Kachold
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
Lisa Kachold
- FW: Installfest @ Sat, September 27, 10am – 4pm
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Lisa Kachold
- linux-mag dot com
Lisa Kachold
- linux-mag dot com
Lisa Kachold
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Lisa Kachold
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Lisa Kachold
- DSL Intelligence
Lisa Kachold
- Gmane, the maillist archive presentation
Dennis Kibbe
- Kubuntu 8.04 wireless issue.
Rhune Lord
- DRBL Multi-Cast Questions
Rhune Lord
- How to format an external hard drive?
Josef Lowder
- OT: Bailout Bill
Josef Lowder
- OT: Bailout Bill
Josef Lowder
- OT: where to get gmail help?
Josef Lowder
- ot: browser
Dan Lund
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Dan Lund
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Dan Lund
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Dan Lund
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: Bailout Bill
Dan Lund
- OT: remember
Dan Lund
- OT: Myth Busters in Tucson
Dan Lund
- On topic message about Off topic messages
Dan Lund
- Any faxheads out there?
Dan Lund
- 10 years in PLUG
Michael March
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Randy Melder
- Acer tk-57 wireless linux compatible?
Matrix Mole
- list archive update
Matrix Mole
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Paul Mooring
- OT: Any gamers?
Joshua Nalli
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
- ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
- Linux HackFest Flyer in Time for AbleConf
- Video editing
- OT: remember
- OT: remember
- OT: Bailout Bill
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Bryan O'Neal
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Bryan O'Neal
- FOSS Multi-Party Videoconferencing Solutions?
Bryan O'Neal
- Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****RE: ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- Changing the Time Zone
Bryan O'Neal
- OT: remember
Bryan O'Neal
- Declined: [Update] Installfest @ Sat, September 27, 10am - 4pm
Bryan O'Neal
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Mark Phillips
- Video editing
Mark Phillips
- OT: Myth Busters in Tucson
Mark Phillips
- OT: Any gamers?
Judd Pickell
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
Judd Pickell
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
Judd Pickell
- Free Software Stammtisch (Avondale)
Joey Prestia
- How to format an external hard drive?
Joey Prestia
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Joey Prestia
- Red Hat Road Tour
Joey Prestia
- OT: remember
Ryan Rix
- OT: ZaReason_and_Other_Independents_Outshine_the_Big_Boys
Stephen P Rufle
- OT.. ADVICE: HP or Macbook
Stephen P Rufle
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
Stephen P Rufle
- OT: where to get gmail help?
Stephen P Rufle
- I need a Redhat Linux Admin for a 2 month contract for an Immediate start
Rutledge, Shawn (00210)
- OT (sorta): "Google Chrome now live"
Mike Schwartz
- OT (sorta): "Google Chrome now live"
Mike Schwartz
- OT (sorta): "Google Chrome now live"
Mike Schwartz
- OT: [asunews -- via acm TechNews] "Research to Boost Computer Processing Power"
Mike Schwartz
- Acer tk-57 wireless linux compatible?
Mike Schwartz
- OT [sorta]: acm TechNews item - talks about [secrecy vs.] "Open Source"
Mike Schwartz
- archiver didn't correctly linkify [fragment portion of] URL [omitted the final "#379392" part]
Mike Schwartz
- Free Software Stammtisch (Avondale)
Mike Schwartz
- OT: [sorta] about that "take anybody flying" offer... (was: Re: I need help. [...])
Mike Schwartz
- list archive update
Mike Schwartz
- google closing phoenix office
Mike Schwartz
- Jillian Aja needs her music off of her Dell on to her Mac. Who wants to help?
Mike Schwartz
- OT: IBM irate over various fiascos--"such as" OOXML (was: Re: Google [...])
Mike Schwartz
- archiver didn't correctly linkify [fragment portion of] URL [omitted the final "#379392" part]
Mike Schwartz
- W side PLUG meeting tonight (was: Re: Hello)
Mike Schwartz
- linux-mag dot com
Mike Schwartz
- ooops, typo (was: Re: linux-mag dot com)
Mike Schwartz
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Mike Schwartz
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Mike Schwartz
- OT: "we have it on good authority"
Mike Schwartz
- ABLEconf table volunteers
Jamie Shackles
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Eric Shubert
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Eric Shubert
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Eric Shubert
- list archive update
Eric Shubert
- list archive update
Eric Shubert
- Jillian Aja needs her music off of her Dell on to her Mac. Who wants to help?
Eric Shubert
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
Eric Shubert
- OT: remember
Eric Shubert
- OT: remember
Eric Shubert
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
Eric Shubert
- Any faxheads out there?
Eric Shubert
- google closing phoenix office
Joseph Sinclair
- OT: remember
Jerry Snitselaar
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
Jerry Snitselaar
- Help splitting xp hd
Jerry Snitselaar
- Kubuntu 8.04 wireless issue.
Jerry Snitselaar
- Kubuntu 8.04 wireless issue.
Jerry Snitselaar
- Kubuntu 8.04 wireless issue.
Jerry Snitselaar
- ABLEConf report?
Jerry Snitselaar
- Hello
Jerry Snitselaar
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Jason Spatafore
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Jason Spatafore
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Jason Spatafore
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Jason Spatafore
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Jason Spatafore
- 10 years in PLUG
George Toft
- 10 years in PLUG
George Toft
- Help splitting xp hd
George Toft
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
George Toft
- Easy to use firewall and invisible proxy?
George Toft
- OT: remember
Vaughn Treude
- ABLEconf Call for Presentations
- OT: remember
- OT but not political: A touch of KDE on AZCentral?
- spyware and things like that.....
Craig White
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
Craig White
- chgrp not permitted?
Craig White
- OT: remember
Craig White
- OT: remember
Craig White
- OT: remember
Craig White
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- ****RE: ****RE: ****RE: ****Changing the Time Zone
Craig White
- OT: remember
Craig White
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
Craig White
- OT: "we have it on good authority"
Craig White
- ot: browser
Joshua Zeidner
- ot: browser
Joshua Zeidner
- ot: browser
Joshua Zeidner
- OT (sorta): "Google Chrome now live"
Joshua Zeidner
- ot: browser
Joshua Zeidner
- ot: browser
Joshua Zeidner
- Quebec sued for m$ purchases
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: remember
Joshua Zeidner
- Video editing
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Bailout Bill
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Bailout Bill
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- Fwd: ABC News: Sec. Bowen Wants Open Source
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
Joshua Zeidner
- Problem with USB Logitech headset
dennis chapman
- gnuplot -> HTML
alexanderhenry at
- OT: remember
alexanderhenry at
- OT: remember
alexanderhenry at
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
alexanderhenry at
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
alexanderhenry at
- =?utf-8?Q?Re:_FW:_Installfest_ at _Sat, _September_27, _10am_=E2=80=93_4pm?=
alexanderhenry at
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
alexanderhenry at
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
alexanderhenry at
- OT: remember
tjones136 at
- OT: remember
tjones136 at
- contacting FS groups in US-AZ
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
- 10 years in PLUG
- ABLEconf mtg Sun at 20:00
- hide/iconify/tab tabs in FF
- Can't post to email lists
- ABLEconf mtg @ 20:00
- RMS on Gutsy Geeks
- OT: greens and libertarians contacts
- 10 years in PLUG
- 10 years in PLUG
- ABLEconf flier
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
- ABLEconf mtg tonight
- Yuma ride share rqst for ABLEconf
- OT: lxer contact for ABLEconf?
- OT: lxer contact for ABLEconf?
- lists of bands using ogg/vorbis/flac
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
- OT: Science Friday in Tucson
- ABLEconf table volunteers
- ABLEconf going now
- need presentations for west side
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
- OT: "we have it on good authority"
- running a pc fan outside of a case
- running a pc fan outside of a case
- 10 years in PLUG
- Help splitting xp hd
- Reducing an existing Linux partition for Windows use....
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
- Is there going to be an installfest this weekend?
- On my way to help/ help also.
- OT: Myth Busters in Tucson
- OT: Any gamers?
- OT: Any gamers?
- 10 years in PLUG
- Linux podcasts
huertanix at
- OT: Any gamers?
huertanix at
- Webcam on Kubuntu 64 and 32
snitsdev at
- chgrp not permitted?
snitsdev at
- OT: Any gamers?
blake gonterman
- LOL - Things aren't always what they seem at first
blake gonterman
- Recommendations for becoming a linux sysadmin?
blake gonterman
- Help splitting xp hd
blake gonterman
- spyware and things like that.....
mike havens
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
mike havens
- ****Changing the Time Zone
mike havens
- ****Changing the Time Zone
mike havens
- Has anyone heard of the firefly add-on for firefox?
mike havens
- [Flux-announce] ACM SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater on Tuesday 9/23
mike havens
- OT: remember
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
kitepilot at
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
kitepilot at
- I need help. And I hope I don't offend anyone...
kitepilot at
- How to format an external hard drive?
kitepilot at
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
- OT - Have you seen this ad?
- ot: browser
- Can't post to email lists
- [Fwd: Re: problem installing Ubuntu in Windows]
- Any faxheads out there?
jordi laforge
- Any faxheads out there?
jordi laforge
- IE problem on my website
keith smith
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
keith smith
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
keith smith
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
keith smith
- ****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out
keith smith
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
keith smith
- For Ham Radio Ops: How to get Icom Clone software working on Linux under Wine with the OPC-478UC clone cable
storkus at
- OT: Emergency Buy Out
storkus at
- Webcam - Thanks for the Fish!
- Helix V2
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 22:47:55 MST 2008
Archived on: Tue Oct 21 21:39:41 MST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).