****Re: OT: Emergency Buy Out

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Mon Sep 29 14:21:04 MST 2008

On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 14:09 -0700, Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Craig White wrote:
> > On Mon, 2008-09-29 at 12:02 -0700, Josh Coffman wrote:
> >> ..waiting for another bail out later today (probably) to see what
> >> changes are made for the second attempt.
> > ----
> > I wouldn't be surprised to see Congress punt at this point until after
> > the election because the election and politics is harming the process.
> And give the market time to drop a couple of thousand more points?
apparently you aren't one of those willing to sustain the losses from no
bailout plan.

Currently, the House is in recess until Thursday. I think the market
response tomorrow and Wednesday may have some influence upon whether
anything happens on Thursday.


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