OT: remember

Alan Dayley alandd at consultpros.com
Fri Sep 12 16:21:40 MST 2008

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Joshua Zeidner <jjzeidner at gmail.com> wrote:
>   but the fact that these people haven't showed up would indicate to an
> objective mind that perhaps we don't have the full story.  There have been
> quite a few credible stories of 911 witnesses being harassed and
> threatened.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rZ_K67OHWw
>   this isn't a new take on this subject, but the fact that we have someone
> right here who claims to possess such evidence, but refuses to produce it is
> a bit disconcerting.  His alibi: that people mock and deride him when he
> posts the pictures.  If anything he will be mocked if he doesn't post the
> pictures.

Not-so-hypothetical situation:

A amateur photograph is presented.  Taken in a room of any abandoned
house, there is an artifact of light to one side that looks remarkably
like a see-through woman in an old fashioned dress.

The believer will point out all the reasons, some very logical, why
this is a picture of a ghost.  The skeptic will point out all the
reasons, some very logical, why it is some flare or flaw in the film
or something and therefore not a ghost.

Neither will convince the other, no matter how long they discuss.
Why?  Because they each see through their own prejudices and beliefs.
They each see their own truth.

Now to the topic at hand:  While I too question and wonder about all
the events surrounding 9/11/2001, I generally think the people on the
two extremes of the discussions will never reconcile.  And, no matter
the evidence presented, including silly government actions like
confiscating video and film, very few will ever change sides or
convince one to believe the other story.

If Charles does or does not produce photos, it will do little to
decide the debate here or in the world at large.  The believers will
continue to believe and the skeptics won't.  And if emotions run high
in an unproductive debate the only result will be broken

Thanks all for keeping the discussion on a pretty even keel.  For
myself, I'm going to make use of the OT: tag and my delete key for
this discussion.  Probably.  :^)


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