OT: remember

Charles Jones charles.jones at ciscolearning.org
Fri Sep 12 16:25:17 MST 2008

Joshua Zeidner wrote:
>   Charles: lets see the pictures.  You can end this discussion, along 
> with countless conspiracy theories right now by posting the pictures 
> you claim you have in your possession. 
>   you can either post the pictures, or many here will assume you are 
> lying.
I never said I had pictures of a/the plane. The plane roared by my 
window, and at the time, I thought "wtf is a plane doing flying this low 
in this area", but I had no idea what was going on. Probably 15 minutes 
had passed by the time any of us (there were 3 of us in the condo at the 
time) thought to grab a camera and run down the hallway to where we had 
a vantage point of the Pentagon, and by then of course there was nothing 
to see but the Pentagon on fire.

I said all of this, and included one of the pictures, in a reply last 
night, but it was moderated, I guess due to the attachment. I assume it 
is still in the moderator queue.

Again, the pictures I have are not anything earth shattering, as it was 
15 mins after impact, and I took them from "only" the 24th floor of my 
building which doesn't have a great angle of view.  If I had gone up a 
few floors or to the roof, the pics would probably be "cooler".

I don't like showing the pics because *every* time all I get is 
harassed, and things like:
* "You faked the EXIF data, according to <some source> the plane crashed 
before/after your pics"
* "Your aparment was not in the flight path of the plane so you couldn't 
have seen it"
* "You were too far away to really see anything"
* "Photoshop!"
* "There is no record of a helicopter on the scene that fast"
* "That's not even the Pentagon, its just some brush fire"

And that is just a sample of the more civil comments. I can't prove that 
I saw the plane go by my window, or that by a twist of fate my 
girlfriend wasn't killed in the crash, but I don't really care who 
believes me or not, any more than I care if you believe that I was at 
Safeway last night shopping.  It is simply something I experienced, and 
just because I mention it, I get called everything from a liar to a govt 
conspirator. I honestly wish I had just somehow slept through it all, 
and could just speculate like everyone else.

Here is a gallery of some of the pics:  
Feel free to DOS my site, try to hack it, post spam comments etc, like 
everyone else does anytime I have pasted the link over the years.


Again, the pics are not anything exciting, or conspiracy-bashing.

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