March 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 00:12:24 MST 2007
Ending: Sat Mar 31 21:59:18 MST 2007
Messages: 669
- gnucash/kmymoney
Eric "Shubes"
- USB v?
Eric "Shubes"
- and 2wire gateway
Eric "Shubes"
- Verifying software RAID performance
Eric "Shubes"
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
Eric "Shubes"
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
Eric "Shubes"
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
Eric "Shubes"
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Eric "Shubes"
- users accounts that don't save data
Eric "Shubes"
- flyers? and where?
Eric "Shubes"
- NetworkManager and DNS
Eric "Shubes"
- NetworkManager and DNS
Eric "Shubes"
- qmail help needed - SOLVED
Eric "Shubes"
- How many OSes on one physical disk?
Eric "Shubes"
- LDAP database
Nathan Aubrey
- and 2wire gateway
Nathan Aubrey
- and 2wire gateway
Nathan Aubrey
- and 2wire gateway
Nathan Aubrey
- and 2wire gateway
Nathan Aubrey
- GPS and mapping
Nathan Aubrey
- DHCP Addresses
Nathan Aubrey
- mediawiki as CMS
Nathan Aubrey
- users accounts that don't save data
Nathan Aubrey
- Network Mapper
Nathan Aubrey
- users accounts that don't save data
Nathan Aubrey
- Truecrypt encryption
Nathan Aubrey
- NetworkManager and DNS
Nathan Aubrey
- Mailbox Size Limits
Nathan Aubrey
- audio cd
Nathan Aubrey
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Nathan Aubrey
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Nathan Aubrey
- OT: RIAA Lawsuit Decision Matrix
Nathan Aubrey
- OT: Make an ISO of my game CD
JD Austin
- increasing ulimit -n
Shawn Badger
- Stupid users
Shawn Badger
- New Dell and Linux install experience
Shawn Badger
- usenet reader
Shawn Badger
- usenet reader
Shawn Badger
- Linux plus World of Warcraft
Miles Beck
- OT: USA Today article totally trashes Vista
David Bendit
- Wireless on new laptop
Anthony Boynes
- Which addon
Anthony Boynes
- compiling gnucash
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Daniel Brown
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Daniel Brown
- GPS and mapping
Kevin Brown
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Kevin Brown
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Kevin Brown
- Work for NASA at ASU
Kevin Brown
- instant message app
Patrick C
- Linux plus World of Warcraft
Patrick C
- NetworkManager and DNS
Patrick C
- Which addon
Patrick C
- How many OSes on one physical disk?
Patrick C
- NetworkManager and DNS
Patrick C
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Patrick C
- Dear Everyone...
Patrick C
- [Reminder] Installfest @ Sat Mar 31 10am - 4pm (6 hrs)
Google Calendar
- Daylight Saving Time update
Darrin Chandler
- PhxBUG Meeting - This Tuesday - Honeyd
Darrin Chandler
- PhxBUG Meeting - This Tuesday - Honeyd
Darrin Chandler
- LDAP database
Darrin Chandler
- Encryption Tools
Darrin Chandler
- OT: Bitshift, howto
Darrin Chandler
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Darrin Chandler
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Darrin Chandler
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Darrin Chandler
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Darrin Chandler
- SSH Key Auth - Win client Fedora Server
Darrin Chandler
- SSH Key Auth - Win client Fedora Server
Darrin Chandler
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Darrin Chandler
- ssh problem
Darrin Chandler
- The Hoax is over
Darrin Chandler
- stammtisch tomorrow?
Darrin Chandler
- Free vs. No Cost
Darrin Chandler
- Domain Hosting
Darrin Chandler
- NetworkManager and DNS
Darrin Chandler
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- OT: (Way off topic!) Restaurant
Darrin Chandler
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Darrin Chandler
- Dear Everyone...
Darrin Chandler
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Darrin Chandler
- Daylight Saving Time update
Josh Coffman
- thoughts on a distro...
Josh Coffman
- canibalism
Josh Coffman
- canibalism
Josh Coffman
- canibalism
Josh Coffman
- small biz accounting recomends
Josh Coffman
- Wireless on new laptop
Josh Coffman
- Wireless on new laptop
Josh Coffman
- Wireless on new laptop
Josh Coffman
- Linux plus World of Warcraft
Josh Coffman
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
Josh Coffman
- increasing ulimit -n
- nfs client performance
- nfs client performance
- ubuntu question
- samba and xcopy
Jerry Davis
- samba and xcopy
Jerry Davis
Jerry Davis
- spreadsheet
Jerry Davis
- spreadsheet
Jerry Davis
- where do old programmers go?
Jerry Davis
- Old Floppies
Jerry Davis
- kerry via aptitude
Wayne Davis
- list
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How? ALMOST THERE
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How? ALMOST THERE
Wayne Davis
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How? ALMOST THERE Any other suggestions????
Wayne Davis
- audio cd
Wayne Davis
- Speakers and headphones?
Alan Dayley
- compiling gnucash
Alan Dayley
- Daylight Saving Time update
Alan Dayley
- Daylight Saving Time update
Alan Dayley
- OT: Wireless access point on Citrix?
Alan Dayley
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
Alan Dayley
- east side tonight
Alan Dayley
- OT:Reset Toshiba BIOS password?
Alan Dayley
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
Alan Dayley
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Alan Dayley
- OT: (Way off topic!) Restaurant
Alan Dayley
- OT: (Way off topic!) Restaurant
Alan Dayley
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Alan Dayley
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Alan Dayley
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Alan Dayley
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Alan Dayley
- Twitterings for this weekend's PLUG installfest...
Alan Dayley
- Twitterings for this weekend's PLUG installfest...
Alan Dayley
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Alan Dayley
- USB v?
- USB v?
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
- half installed messages?
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
- GPS and mapping
- Wireless on new laptop
- tab grouping in Firefox
- Wireless on new laptop
- Wireless on new laptop
- Wireless on new laptop
- tab grouping in Firefox
- flyers? and where?
- NetworkManager and DNS
- Linux plus World of Warcraft
- Wireless on new laptop
- Wireless on new laptop
- NetworkManager and DNS
- Why Use Windows?
- increasing ulimit -n
Alex Dean
- Constant Change
Alex Dean
- LDAP database
Alex Dean
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Alex Dean
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Alex Dean
- mediawiki as CMS
Alex Dean
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
Alex Dean
- audio cd
Alex Dean
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Alex Dean
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Alex Dean
- Work for NASA at ASU
Alex Dean
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Micah DesJardins
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Micah DesJardins
- and 2wire gateway
Micah DesJardins
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Micah DesJardins
- Ian Murdock, the "Ian" of Deb+Ian (Debian) is joining Sun Microsystems
Micah DesJardins
- OT: Make an ISO of my game CD
Micah DesJardins
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Micah DesJardins
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Micah DesJardins
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
- regal mesa installfest: installing printer
Robert N. Eaton
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Robert N. Eaton
- flyers? and where?
- cacti help - no data on graphs
Brant Evans
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Ben Francom
- Dear Everyone...
Ben Francom
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Ben Francom
- Slow DVD write
Ben Francom
- Slow DVD write
Ben Francom
- "Windows <---> Linux" Applications Cross Reference Table
- Old Hardware
Jeff Garland
- Old Hardware
Jeff Garland
- stammtisch tomorrow?
Austin Godber
- Work for NASA at ASU
Austin Godber
- Debian Apt Repository - Multiple Package Versions
Austin Godber
- OT: Make an ISO of my game CD
Austin Godber
- Work for NASA at ASU
Austin Godber
- canibalism
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- Net Log Managment
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- ./ || FAA May Ditch MS Vista and Office for Google and Linux Combo
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- OT: Bitshift, howto
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- Emulating keyboard events
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- Twitterings for this weekend's PLUG installfest...
Carlos Macedo Gomes
- Linux plus World of Warcraft
Kurt Granroth
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
Kurt Granroth
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
Kurt Granroth
- OT: Thunderbird on two Windows boxes
Kurt Granroth
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Kurt Granroth
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Kurt Granroth
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Kurt Granroth
- Old Hardware
Kurt Granroth
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Kurt Granroth
- DHCP Addresses
Jon M. Hanson
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Jon M. Hanson
- Looking for an open/free Projects like App
Jon M. Hanson
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Jon M. Hanson
- Old Hardware
Jon M. Hanson
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Andrew Harris
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Andrew Harris
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Andrew Harris
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Dear Everyone...
Andrew Harris
- Dear Everyone...
Andrew Harris
- Dear Everyone...
Andrew Harris
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Andrew Harris
- /mnt/sdc1 (was Re: PDA)
Michael Havens
- Cash manager.
Michael Havens
- compiling gnucash
Michael Havens
- compiling gnucash
Michael Havens
- compiling gnucash
Michael Havens
- compiling gnucash
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- gnucash/kmymoney
Michael Havens
- canibalism
Michael Havens
- canibalism
Michael Havens
- Mepis6.0
Michael Havens
- sound card not working
Michael Havens
- regal mesa installfest: installing printer
Michael Havens
- cups
Michael Havens
- Fwd: Re: cups
Michael Havens
- Fwd: Re: cups
Michael Havens
- gnucash
Michael Havens
- gnucash
Michael Havens
- spreadsheet
Michael Havens
- spreadsheet
Michael Havens
- apt-get
Michael Havens
- soundcard
Michael Havens
- soundcard
Michael Havens
- soundcard for sale
Michael Havens
- keyboard sensitivity
Michael Havens
- keyboard sensitivity
Michael Havens
- Sound
Michael Havens
- qmail help needed
Michael Havens
- audio cd
Michael Havens
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Michael Havens
- Sound (sorta working)
Michael Havens
- openoffice 2.0.1-1
Michael Havens
- openoffice 2.0.1-1
Michael Havens
- Domain Hosting
Jason Hayes
- Domain Hosting
Edmund Higgins
- Cassini follow-up, OT?
Gene Holmerud
- where do old programmers go?
Gene Holmerud
- Old Floppies
Gene Holmerud
- Emulating keyboard events
David Huerta
- Emulating keyboard events
David Huerta
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
Tony E - Jaraeth
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
Tony E - Jaraeth
- OT: USA Today article totally trashes Vista
- Stupid users
- Stupid users
- how to set width of image ... and a pointer to plug-webdev
- and 2wire gateway
- Stupid users
- usenet reader
- usenet reader
- usenet reader
- usenet reader
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
- users accounts that don't save data
- Truecrypt encryption
- Which addon
- sony spying?
- Which addon
- Which addon
- sony spying?
- OT: Thunderbird on two Windows boxes
- keyboard sensitivity
- Job Openings at ACA
- How to safely update open office to 2.0+?
- How to safely update open office to 2.0+?
- Xubuntu needs Ajunta
Alex LeDonne
- Domain Hosting
Alex LeDonne
- What are the best source(s) for used laptops?
Charles Lewton
- What are the best source(s) for used laptops?
Charles Lewton
- cups
Sir Light
- how to set width of image ... and a pointer to plug-webdev
Bill Lindley
- usenet reader
Bill Lindley
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Bill Lindley
- audio cd
Bill Lindley
- Shared contacts?
Bill Lindley
- Shared contacts?
Bill Lindley
- Shared contacts?
Bill Lindley
- Shared contacts?
Bill Lindley
- OT: USA Today article totally trashes Vista
Josef Lowder
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Josef Lowder
- OT: how to set width of image called by <a href=
Josef Lowder
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Josef Lowder
- What are the best source(s) for used laptops?
Josef Lowder
- How to send a fax via DSL? -- Thanks!
Josef Lowder
- flyers? and where?
Josef Lowder
- flyers? - updated draft is now available
Josef Lowder
- Free vs. No Cost -- OT -- off-topic rant.
Josef Lowder
- New Mandriva Flash key
Josef Lowder
- New Mandriva Flash key
Josef Lowder
- How to safely update open office to 2.0+?
Josef Lowder
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Josef Lowder
- Cash manager.
Dan Lund
- nfs client performance
Dan Lund
- Verifying software RAID performance
Dan Lund
- Stupid users
Dan Lund
- Domain Hosting
Dan Lund
- Job Openings at ACA
Dan Lund
- Verifying software RAID performance
Randy Melder
- Verifying software RAID performance
Randy Melder
- The Hoax is over
Randy Melder
- Domain Hosting
Randy Melder
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Randy Melder
- Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Randy Melder
- Encryption Tools
JT Moree
- small biz accounting recomends
JT Moree
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
JT Moree
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
JT Moree
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
JT Moree
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
JT Moree
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
JT Moree
- Shared contacts?
JT Moree
- Shared contacts?
JT Moree
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux
JT Moree
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
Rudolfo Munguia
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
Rudolfo Munguia
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
Rudolfo Munguia
- ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
Rudolfo Munguia
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
Rudolfo Munguia
- usenet reader
Lynn Newton
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
Lynn Newton
- Fwd: Macs Again [was: Re: Old Hardware]
Lynn Newton
- Net Log Managment
Bryan O'Neal
- SSH Key Auth - Win client Fedora Server
Bryan O'Neal
- SSH Key Auth - Win client Fedora Server
Bryan O'Neal
- SSH Key Auth - Synergy
Bryan O'Neal
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Bryan O'Neal
- ssh problem
Bryan O'Neal
- cacti help - no data on graphs
Bryan O'Neal
- cacti help - no data on graphs
Bryan O'Neal
- cacti help - no data on graphs
Bryan O'Neal
- tab grouping in Firefox
Bryan O'Neal
- Network Mapper
Bryan O'Neal
- OT: Make an ISO of my game CD
Bryan O'Neal
- OT: Make an ISO of my game CD
Bryan O'Neal
- sony spying?
Bryan O'Neal
- Looking for an open/free Projects like App
Bryan O'Neal
- Query/Form Builder / Database
Bryan O'Neal
- Query/Form Builder / Database
Bryan O'Neal
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Bryan O'Neal
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Bryan O'Neal
- Tentative: [Reminder] Installfest @ Sat Mar 31 10am - 4pm (6 hrs)
Bryan O'Neal
- Backups - Offsite solutions -Security Regulations
Bryan O'Neal
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Bryan O'Neal
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Bryan O'Neal
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Bryan O'Neal
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Bryan O'Neal
- Dear Everyone...
Bryan O'Neal
- Backups - Offsite solutions -Security Regulations
Bryan O'Neal
- Verifying software RAID performance
Daniel Parraz
- System Unions? was (I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.)
Judd Pickell
- nfs client performance
Judd Pickell
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Judd Pickell
- Query/Form Builder / Database
Judd Pickell
- Shared contacts?
Judd Pickell
- ssh problem
Joey Prestia
- Desktop cluttered.
Jeremy C. Reed
- gnucash/kmymoney
Jeremy C. Reed
- Verifying software RAID performance
Jeremy C. Reed
- users accounts that don't save data
Jeremy C. Reed
- Domain Hosting
Jeremy C. Reed
- Mail server recommendations?
Jeremy C. Reed
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Jeremy C. Reed
- Domain Hosting
- Domain Hosting
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
- [Reminder] Installfest @ Sat Mar 31 10am - 4pm (6 hrs)
- Speakers and headphones?
John Schember
- USB v?
John Schember
- instant message app
John Schember
John Schember
- OT: Thunderbird on two Windows boxes
John Schember
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Mike Schwartz
- Constant Change (was: Re: security, encryption, and healthcare)
Mike Schwartz
- [ (via blog)] Costco halts liberal electronics return policy
Mike Schwartz
- [ (via blog)] Costco halts liberal electronics return policy
Mike Schwartz
- OT: Bitshift, howto
Mike Schwartz
- usenet reader
Mike Schwartz
- GPS and mapping
Mike Schwartz
- GPS and mapping
Mike Schwartz
- Old Sun hardware in need of home
Mike Schwartz
- flyers? and where?
Mike Schwartz
- "way down the list"... (was: Re: Free vs. No Cost -- OT -- off-topic rant.)
Mike Schwartz
- intro to the desktop
Mike Schwartz
- Job Openings at ACA
Mike Schwartz
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Mike Schwartz
- Free vs. No Cost
Trent Shipley
- RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Trent Shipley
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joseph Sinclair
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joseph Sinclair
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joseph Sinclair
- gnucash/kmymoney
Joseph Sinclair
- gnucash/kmymoney
Joseph Sinclair
- How to send a fax via DSL?
Joseph Sinclair
- ssh problem
Joseph Sinclair
- The Hoax is over
Joseph Sinclair
- ubuntu question
Joseph Sinclair
- OT: Thunderbird on two Windows boxes
Joseph Sinclair
- Looking for an open/free Projects like App
Joseph Sinclair
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
Joseph Sinclair
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
Joseph Sinclair
- Shared contacts?
Joseph Sinclair
- Shared contacts?
Joseph Sinclair
- canibalism
Gerard Snitselaar
- Old Sun hardware in need of home
Gerard Snitselaar
- Old Sun hardware in need of home
Gerard Snitselaar
- where do old programmers go?
Gerard J Snitselaar
- audio cd
Gerard J Snitselaar
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Gerard J Snitselaar
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
Gerard J Snitselaar
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How? ALMOST THERE
Gerard J Snitselaar
- Update on VMs under Linux?
Voltage Spike
- NetworkManager and DNS
Daniel P. Stasinski
- NetworkManager and DNS
Daniel P. Stasinski
- NetworkManager and DNS
Daniel P. Stasinski
- audio cd
Daniel P. Stasinski
- NetworkManager and DNS
Daniel P. Stasinski
- canibalism
- canibalism
- canibalism
- DHCP Addresses
- OT - items for sale
- OT - items for sale
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- worst than failure?
George Toft
- Daylight Saving Time update
George Toft
- Daylight Saving Time update
George Toft
- [ (via blog)] Costco halts liberal electronics return policy
George Toft
- small biz accounting recomends
George Toft
- NetworkManager and DNS
George Toft
- Mail server recommendations?
George Toft
- Mail server recommendations?
George Toft
- qmail help needed
George Toft
- qmail help needed
George Toft
- qmail help needed - SOLVED
George Toft
- qmail help needed - SOLVED
George Toft
- Backups - Offsite solutions -Security Regulations - LONG, DRAWN OUT REPLY
George Toft
- canibalism
Vaughn Treude
- Emulating keyboard events
Vaughn Treude
- How many OSes on one physical disk?
Tom Ward
- Old Floppies
Tom Ward
- site: presentation request
Craig White
- gnucash/kmymoney
Craig White
- nfs client performance
Craig White
- canibalism
Craig White
- LDAP database
Craig White
- samba and xcopy
Craig White
- samba and xcopy
Craig White
- and 2wire gateway
Craig White
- and 2wire gateway
Craig White
- and 2wire gateway
Craig White
- Cryptic Messages at startup tonight
Craig White
- OT:Reset Toshiba BIOS password?
Craig White
- Fwd: Re: cups
Craig White
- Fwd: Re: cups
Craig White
- small biz accounting recomends
Craig White
- users accounts that don't save data
Craig White
- users accounts that don't save data
Craig White
- users accounts that don't save data
Craig White
- Sorry for the lack of research on this but someone may know off the top of their head
Craig White
- Which addon
Craig White
- sony spying?
Craig White
- sony spying?
Craig White
- Mailbox Size Limits
Craig White
- Encryption Tools
Richard Wilson
- Emulating keyboard events
Richard Wilson
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joshua Zeidner
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joshua Zeidner
- Constant Change (was: Re: security, encryption, and healthcare)
Joshua Zeidner
- security, encryption, and healthcare
Joshua Zeidner
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Joshua Zeidner
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
Joshua Zeidner
- Emulating keyboard events
Joshua Zeidner
- OT: (Way off topic!) Restaurant
Joshua Zeidner
- Shared contacts?
Joshua Zeidner
- Backups - Offsite solutions -Security Regulations
Joshua Zeidner
- Phoenix Linux Users Group Installfest - Saturday, March 31, 2007, University of Advancing Technology
alexanderhenry at
- users accounts that don't save data
jdawgaz at
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
rherrem at
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
rherrem at
- where do old programmers go?
vodhner at
- sony spying?
vodhner at
- OT: Thunderbird on two Windows boxes
vodhner at
- How to safely update open office to 2.0+?
vodhner at
- Update on VMs under Linux?
vodhner at
- How many OSes on one physical disk?
vodhner at
- Why Use Windows?
vodhner at
- Old Hardware
vodhner at
- worst than failure?
- site: presentation request
- USB v?
- USB v?
- USB v?
- east side tonight
- USB v?
- mtgs and job ads
- Dell GNU/Linux survey
- Cassini follow-up
- ssh problem
- drupal filtered block
- tab grouping in Firefox
- new Moz addon site
- translation interview
- tab grouping in Firefox
- stammtisch tomorrow?
- users accounts that don't save data
- flyers? and where?
- tab grouping in Firefox
- tab grouping in Firefox
- flyers? and where?
- Stammtisch tonight
- flyers? - updated draft is now available
- Free vs. No Cost
- flyers? and where?
- flyers? and where?
- flyers? and where?
- Free vs. No Cost
- users accounts that don't save data
- west side next week
- flyers? and where?
- sony spying?
- sony spying?
- kerry via aptitude
- list
- intro to the desktop
- March west side meeting
- intro to the desktop
- Query/Form Builder / Database
- NetworkManager and DNS
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- new planning list
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
- Locations was Re: Why we are all here (was Re: audio cd)
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
- Old Hardware
- Old Hardware
- Accelerated Open Source OpenGL in Linux WAS RIP: Linux Community (1991-2007)
- Old Hardware
- Old Hardware
- InstallFest Mar
- Backups - Offsite solutions -Security Regulations
- Dear Everyone...
- How to send a fax via DSL?
- How to send a fax via DSL? Re sorta OT
- OT: Bitshift, howto
- OT: Bitshift, howto
- OT: Bitshift, howto
- PLUG-discuss Digest, Vol 21, Issue 95
- Install FEST
- NO Sudo Password for smbfs shares How?
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
jordi laforge
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
jordi laforge
- Encryption Tools
chip33az at
- New Dell and Linux install experience
chip33az at
- Slow DVD write
chip33az at
- Old Hardware
chip33az at
- Old Hardware
chip33az at
- Old Hardware
chip33az at
- Old Floppies
chip33az at
- GPS and mapping
- thoughts on a distro...
keith smith
- OT: USA Today article totally trashes Vista
keith smith
- canibalism
keith smith
- canibalism
keith smith
- how to set width of image called by <a href=
keith smith
- and 2wire gateway
keith smith
- and 2wire gateway
keith smith
- and 2wire gateway
keith smith
- and 2wire gateway
keith smith
- instant message app
keith smith
- instant message app
keith smith
- Xubuntu needs Ajunta
keith smith
- Xubuntu needs Ajunta
keith smith
- Xubuntu needs Ajunta
keith smith
- Xubuntu needs Ajunta
keith smith
- instant message app
keith smith
- instant message app
keith smith
- Wine Configuration
keith smith
- ping
keith smith
- ping
keith smith
- ping
keith smith
- ping
keith smith
- ping II
keith smith
- ping III
keith smith
- ping III
keith smith
- New Dell and Linux install experience
keith smith
- New Dell and Linux install experience
keith smith
- New Dell and Linux install experience
keith smith
- What are the best source(s) for used laptops?
keith smith
- small biz accounting recomends
keith smith
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
keith smith
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
keith smith
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
keith smith
- flyers? and where?
keith smith
- Moving from PHP Version 5.1.6 to PHP Version 4.3 and GD image support
keith smith
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
keith smith
- Domain Hosting
keith smith
- Domain Hosting
keith smith
- Domain Hosting
keith smith
- Domain Hosting
keith smith
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
keith smith
- Domain Hosting
keith smith
- I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.
keith smith
- System Unions? was (I got a bad feeling about this Chewie.)
keith smith
- keyboard sensitivity
keith smith
- Query/Form Builder / Database
keith smith
- Slow DVD write
keith smith
- Slow DVD write
keith smith
- Slow DVD write
keith smith
- Slow DVD write
keith smith
- Slow DVD write
keith smith
- Cash manager.
tuna at
- compiling gnucash
tuna at
- compiling gnucash
tuna at
- compiling gnucash
tuna at
- Stupid users
tuna at
- instant message app
tuna at
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 21:59:18 MST 2007
Archived on: Sat Mar 31 20:20:51 MST 2007
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).