Stammtisch tonight

der.hans PLUGd at
Tue Mar 20 14:29:28 MST 2007

moin moin,

just a reminder that the Free Software Stammtisch is tonight.

The Free Software Stammtisch is a social environment for Linux, *BSD and
Free Software enthusiasts that meets at The Plaid Eatery every third
Tuesday of the month. We start about 19:00 and run until we leave or
22:00, whichever is later :)

The Plaid Eatery is just east of the ASU main campus. They have a public
wireless Internet connection (no fun without bandwidth :)

1044 S Terrace Rd # 4
Tempe, AZ 85281
480 394 9424,+AZ+85281


#  "The reasons for my decision to quit were myriad, but central to the
#  decision was the realization that there are two kinds of companies:
#  Good ones ask you to think for them.
#  The others tell you to think like them." -- Benjy Feen

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