Buy a mac :)
Steven M. Klass
Physical Design & CAD Technical Manager
National Semiconductor Corp.
15210 S. 50th Street
Suite 120, Mail Stop AZ4
Phoenix AZ 85044
Phone: 480-629-2503 Cell: 480-326-7620
Home: 480-988-5657 Fax: 480-629-2476
On Nov 9, 2003, at 12:18 AM, Craig Brooksby wrote:
>> Face it - most people just want to use a computer
>> that works - they aren't interested in the economics,
>> politics unless/until they are forced to.
> 1) Can't back up my files -- image creation chokes on symbolic links.
> 2) Unable to get my palm pilot to sync since moving to Linux.
> 3) (Forget my digital camera)
> 4) Installing a new font takes two pages of instructions.
> 5) Samba is opaque to me. The Win boxes were networked up in 10
> minutes.
> 6) Rpms: dependency hell. Solution: "ignore warnings."
> 7) Mozilla arbitrarily stops communicating with the web.
> 8) I keep System Monitor running so I can kill Nautilus when it hangs.
> 9) I need deep knowledge of the filesystem in order to install
> anything.
> 10) If I upgrade GNOME to the latest release, would my system get more
> stable or less? Any bets?
> 11) Open Office is cheaper -- I'll say that for it.
> 12) Formulas in Calc sometimes just refuse to calculate. Unlike their
> more compliant neighbor cells, these prefer staying text. Deal with
> it.
> 13) Python IDEs are better on Windows.
> 14) How many variations on "cut and paste" do I need to learn? Answer:
> 1
> (until I moved to Linux).
> "Most people aren't interested...until they are forced to be" could
> easily be interpreted as imputing laziness to people like me. I think
> that is too simple an interpretation. Why blame anyone for picking up
> the tools they need to get their work done?
> ---------------------------------------------------
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