On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 09:14:09AM -0700, Lynn David Newton wrote:
> Thanks. I'm not very (at all) familiar with Debian.
> What do those three distro versions represent? I've
> heard of woody, but never sarge or sid.
Woody, as you know, is the code name for the current stable release,
Debian 3.0. Sarge is the code name for the current testing
distribution, which will become the next stable version (eventually).
Sid is the permanent code name of unstable. For more information about
how the different distributions of Debian are structured, see
Bill Jonas * bill@billjonas.com * http://www.billjonas.com/
"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door. You step
into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing
where you might be swept off to." -- Bilbo Baggins