Alan Dayley wrote: > I think I have narrowed this down quite a bit as Mailman definately sends mail
> now. Fixed it's MTA reference to point at Postfix.
> However, it is not reading any mail. The mail to the mail list is just
> sitting in the mail list user inbox. I must be doing something wrong because
> postfix just puts the mail in the box and Mailman does not go get it or
> receive it.
> Any pointers anyone? Brian maybe?
> You have created the three aliases (per list) so that email sent to the list
server's address gets forwarded to the mailman scripts... Right?
- --
A great writer named Neal Stephenson said that America does four things
better than any other country in the world: rock music, movies, software
and high-speed pizza delivery. All of these are sacred American art forms.
Let's return to our purity and our idealism while we have this shot.
- - Courtney Love