Am 25. Sep, 2003 schw=E4tzte betty i so:
> are you going to do any dual boot @ the installfest? i was thinking i
> might like to have win98 and debian on the same box; :-[ if i bring my
> win98 cd is that a possibility?
I object to helping install a non-Free operating system. Installing Free
Software on it is OK, but if someone wants to dual-boot with m$ or apple
they need to handle the install of tne non-Free OS, IMO.
We should help getting the boot loader to work. We should encourage people
to use a Free Software boot loader, but it should be OK to help with m$ or
apple boot loaders if we have the expertise available and the installee
wants it.
# Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans