Josef Lowder wrote:
> .
> What is the correct way to connect four edi devices?
> I have an older computer that has a 20-gig hard drive,
> an older cd burner and a recent dvd player and I want
> to add an older 6.4-gig hard drive.
> The 20-gig hard drive is partitioned with win-xp and
> Xandros and the older 6.4 gig drive had an older version
> of redhat that I want to replace with pclinuxos.
> Does it matter in what sequence the drives are connected?
Data can be moved faster from one IDE bus to another, rather than between a
master and a slave on the same IDE bus. If you have concerns about throughput
between the two hard drives, have them on separate IDE buses. If you want to
maximized throughput between the CD burner and one of the hard drives, have them
on separate IDE buses.
I'm not a Windows expert but I think Windows expects to be on the first hard
drive, so probably primary-master.
Other than the above, just have one master and one slave on each of the IDE
buses: primary and secondary. Keep in mind that a given IDE bus will only run as
fast as the slowest device on the bus. If you put an ATA-33 Cdrom on a bus with
an ATA-100 hard drive, the bus speed will be 33.
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