> > Josef Lowder wrote:
> > What is the correct way to connect four edi devices?
> > I have an older computer that has a 20-gig hard drive,
> > an older cd burner and a recent dvd player and I want
> > to add an older 6.4-gig hard drive.
> >
> > The 20-gig hard drive is partitioned with win-xp and
> > Xandros and the older 6.4 gig drive had an older version
> > of redhat that I want to replace with pclinuxos.
On Fri, 27 Apr 2007 16:06, KevinO answered:
> Data can be moved faster from one IDE bus to another, rather than
> between a master and a slave on the same IDE bus. If you have
> concerns about throughput between the two hard drives, have them on
> separate IDE buses. If you want to maximized throughput between the
> CD burner and one of the hard drives, have them on separate IDE buses.
> I'm not a Windows expert but I think Windows expects to be on the
> first hard drive, so probably primary-master.
> Other than the above, just have one master and one slave on each of
> the IDE buses: primary and secondary. Keep in mind that a given IDE
> bus will only run as fast as the slowest device on the bus. If you
> put an ATA-33 Cdrom on a bus with an ATA-100 hard drive, the bus
> speed will be 33.
Thanks Kevin. Very helpful information ...
but I still can't get it to work.
In fact, now I can't even get it to boot from either CD drive,
whereas it did before. I even tried setting the bios to see
*only* the CD drive but it still won't boot from the CD no matter
how I reconfigure the bios, and I've tried dozens of configs.
This is how I have the drives connected.
On bus ide-1 (the first bus)
HD drive #1. Maxtor 20g primary master -- jumpers = [:]::.:
HD drive #2. Western Digital AC26400 (6.4g) primary slave
On bus ide-2 (the second bus)
CD drive #3. Shuttle SDVD-121
: : [:]
CD drive #4. CD-RW JustLink CD-Writer WRA-WA48
: [:] :
On the 'net, I found this info: "Connecting DVD/CD drives,
the cable is designed to host two devices on one IDE channel.
Set the Master/Slave configuration jumper pins according to
these pin labels: Cable Select (CS), Slave (SL), and Master (MA).
In a second email, I'll write a further description of the
problems I am seeing when I try to boot.
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