I 'forgot' that attachments are 'prohibited' on this
list...as the pea brain remembers.
Sooo, here is the proof!!
Knoppix 3.2 and gtkam d/l'd the picts... I guess it
has been that long since I used the camera!!! I
'forgot' I even had that copy.
So, I 'avoided' messing with the
kernal/permissions/whatever was needed for the later
revisions to d/l from the camera.
Jim's (who is in a nursing home now) cheap camera is
seen as a usb storage device and pops up as sda1 on
the desktop and is 'unloadable' from there. This
cheapie isn't. But he wouldn't let me take the picts
with his camera. He is 'afraid' that linux will mess
up stuff. Silly man!!! He had a 'limping' w98se
machine that evenually crashed totally..this machine,
and he blamed my running knoppix on it once for
everything wrong with M$. The 'gateway' restore disks
are corrupted is why it was limping after he attempted
to restore from a virus he got somewhere.
Cyclists should expect and demand safe
accommodation on our public roads,
just as does every other user.
Nothing more is expected.
Nothing less is acceptable!
Long live Knoppix!!
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