I should clarify, mine is an iBook G3 (Early 2003), running OSX via
dual-boot and MOL. Interesting.
On Wed, 2004-03-24 at 18:37, Bill Jonas wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 06:35:10PM -0700, Bryce C wrote:
> > It's news to me too. I just installed 2004.0 on my iBook this weekend
> > and haven't run in to any problems at all. There was no mention of this
> > in the weekly newsletter (skimmed, though it was), or on the website.
> > Maybe, it's just their media that mac drives don't like reading? Hmm...
> Come to think of it, I couldn't boot off of the first CD on an old beige
> PowerMac G3. I tried burning another copy of the disc but it still
> wouldn't go. Just plain refused to see it during boot or even once the
> system was up. It would give me a message that the medium was
> unformatted and it gave me the choice of either formatting or ejecting
> it. Discs two and three, of course, were seen just fine. (This was
> under OS 9.2.2.)
Bryce C <
CoBryce Communications