Augie Grayfox wrote:
> Are you saying that because the host name on my pc is different than my email
> addy, I am in fact relaying?
I just looked at the headers and tried to figure out why their mail server
might refuse to process the email.
Since the email that I looked at DID make it out, I am probably wrong anyway.
I do know that some mail servers are configured to do a reverse lookup of the
IP address of the sender.
> My ip address only stays the same as long as cox lets it stay the same. I've
> had three different ips in the last year. I think the blocking was done at
> the other end because I went to my internet based mail server and tried to
> email my client and got the same response.
> My original rant was about cox's refusal to do anything for Linux users, yes
> they were friendly but very unhelpful.
I agree that Cox isn't very helpful in the tech. support department.
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Assembly language experience is [important] for the maturity
and understanding of how computers work that it provides.
-- D. Gries