Author: Craig White Date: Subject: Stay with RH9? / Compiling Kernel is Better?
On Sun, 2004-01-18 at 13:19, Tom Achtenberg wrote: > The fact you even ask about recompiling the kernal shows one of the most
> glaring weaknesses of Linux. Imagine the outcry if Microsoft sais everyone
> had to recompile Windows XP to get it to work on their machine. This is
> about the same thing.
> ---
#1 you can download new kernels - there's no need to ever compile a
kernel unless you want something specific.
#2 You CAN'T compile a Windows kernel, they obviously don't distribute
source for Windows NT Kernel or for that matter, any source - your
premise is absolutely absurd.
#3 The world would rejoice if Microsoft released the source code so that
you could compile your own kernel