Am 18. Jan, 2004 schw=E4tzte Craig White so:
> I hope that you don't mean me - labeling SuSE as the devil. I knew that
> YAST was proprietary because it hasn't been adopted elsewhere...that
> seemed obvious but I was unaware of the exact license that it had. My
> remarks about SuSE were mostly from the direction that some newbie posts
> up about a problem and the suggestion hurled from the cheap seats is to
> change distro's. I wouldn't feel any differently if the suggestion were
> to change to Red Hat or Debian or whatever...the typical newbie is
> likely to become more frustrated and confused every time he has to start
> over.
I agree we shouldn't blast newbies with distro wars. Eventually they'll
understand and agree with the concept of Free Software or they won't.
> Now there is a world of difference between Red Hat marking specific
> files with their copyright which must be 'cleansed' in order to
> redistribute and SuSE not allowing the YAST code to be sold by anyone.
What do you mean about cleansing Red Hat files?
# Fairy Tale, n.: A horror story to prepare children for the newspapers.