Am 08. Jan, 2004 schw=E4tzte Craig Brooksby so:
> Somehow, two postings of mine from last week popped into last night's
> digest. I don't know what caused this second appearance. Thanks for
> responding, Derek!
You'd sent it from a non-subscribed email addy and it got stuck in the
administrative queue. The queue gets up to 100 SPAMs a day and it's a web
interface. Those two mean we ignore it. I needed to let the announcement
through last night. I usually look for recent messages stuck when I do that
and let them through if they seem to be real messages.
> The answer requires some facts. Has PLUG ever done a survey -- a census
> -- of its members? I wonder how many would classify as newbie like me?
> I wonder how many are pursuing Linux as a workstation vs. Linux as a
> server? (and so forth) Then we might have an idea of where the needs
> are. (How many are in-Valley vs. elsewhere?) If this is already known,
> please share the demographics.
> Is there a newbie SIG waiting to emerge?
All it takes are volunteers to make it happen. See tonight's meeting at
Sequoia for details ;-).
> I think the results of the survey might be of interest to local college
> faculty as well. Thurman out here at SCC (for example) is always
> looking for ways to meet emerging needs.
What we need to do is get info about what classes are offered. It would be
good to feed people into Thurman's classes, for instance.
# Hope has two beautiful daughters: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way
# things are, and Courage to struggle to create things as they should be.
# -- St. Augustine