On Wednesday 17 December 2003 13:15, Bryce C wrote:
> If ALSA/OSS is installed as a module(s), just running lsmod will have a
> great list of modules starting with snd. You might also try running
> amixer and, I think, it'll fail if you're using OSS or give you a
> listing of all the mixer levels and settings if you're using ALSA.
> Just my $.02, go with ALSA if you can. Besides being non-commercial
> (fight the establishment!), but it's newer with better support for most
> cards. Also, I chose to use it (well, switch over actually) in
> preparation for the 2.6 kernel that include the alsa-drivers so, I now
> have my system setup and ready and even using alsa making for a
> smooth(er) transition.
> Hope that helps.
Thanks Bryce. Unfortunately, the results of lsmod don't indicate OSS=
ALSA, just "SND". I *did* find the configuration file for that kernel (Wo=
backups really do work!) and OSS is configured for modules and ALSA isn't=
mentioned, at least not by that name. And the system doesn't have "amixer=
but the (very, very old) "aumix" (which functions correctly) which also,=20
therefore, suggests OSS. All things considered, I conclude it's using OSS=
I'll upgrade it to ALSA and the 2.6 kernel once it looks like it (th=
e 2.6=20
kernel) has stabilized. (It's my fallback machine so I'm very conservativ=
about doing anything to it: if I need it, it's just gotta work.)
Thanks again!
Ed Skinner,