Am 16. Oct, 2003 schw=E4tzte David Huerta so:
> Here's a flyer I made quick n' dirty in OpenOffice. Let me know if
> anyone has a better image to replace the pumpkin tux with.
Other than the when/where mixup I like it.
The pumpkin's cool. Anyone wanna carve one to have on display? :)
It would be cool if there was a small map down in the corner.
|4 F |I
|8 r |-
|t y |1
|h s |0
| |
|S E |
|t l |
| e |
| c |
| |
| XX | Baseline Rd.
| XX |
| UAT |
| |
Something simple like that should be sufficient.
Can be done much better with a graphic, of course.
# I've got a photographic memory,
# but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans