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I can't help you with the purpose of that file however, if you don't
want sites to resize your window, among other things, there's a setting
:-D. Edit->Preferences->Advanced->Scripts & Plugins. This is on Moz 1.4
but I think I saw it in previous versions too.
Good luck.
On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 07:05, Lynn David Newton wrote:
> Yesterday I visited a Flash-driven Web site that
> maximized my Mozilla window and removed the resize
> handles, leaving me unable to resize it. When I killed
> and restarted the session it was still stuck. Grrr.
> Guess what Web site I'm never going to visit again.
> Obviously that parameter is stored somewhere, so I went
> to ~/.mozilla/{myuserdir} and did an ls -lrt to see
> what got written last when I quit. I searched through
> the prefs.js to no avail. There is also localstore.rdf,
> which is an incomprehensible XML file not fit for human
> consumption. But I tried renaming it and it restarted
> with all my preferences intact, and the ability to
> resize restored, and it dynamically recreated the file.
> Thank goddness.
> The problem is solved, so I'm relating this experience
> mainly as a tip FYI. But do any of the Mozilla experts
> out there know precisely the function of
> localstore.rfd?
Bryce C <
CoBryce Communications
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