Author: tickticker Date: Subject: How to change default web browser
The latest iterations of Konqueror *DO* have tabbed interfaces.
one less gripe about konqueror.
I'm about to install kde 3.1.2 on Mandrake 9.1, I'll let you know how it goes.
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 02:58 pm, Kyle Faber wrote: > Change default *.htm? handling in KDE:
> K Menu -> Preferences -> File Browsing -> File Associations
> This opens the file associations Dialog box. Find *.html under the 'text'
> file type heading. In that section, you will find the 'filename patterns"
> (should all be setup already) and you should also see a list of installed
> applications that are deemed worthy to handle HTML, in order of appearance.
> Mozilla SHOULD already be in that list (mine was) albeit lower than
> konqueror (hence your current behavior). Simply promote Mozilla to the top
> and *bam* you're in tabbed browsing nirvana...
> If mozilla is not listed, clicking 'add' gives you a view of any program in
> the K menu and you can peruse that for your browsing pleasures..
> Hi ho hi ho...