Change default *.htm? handling in KDE:
K Menu -> Preferences -> File Browsing -> File Associations
This opens the file associations Dialog box. Find *.html under the 'text=
file type heading. In that section, you will find the 'filename patterns=
(should all be setup already) and you should also see a list of installed=
applications that are deemed worthy to handle HTML, in order of appearanc=
Mozilla SHOULD already be in that list (mine was) albeit lower than konqu=
(hence your current behavior). Simply promote Mozilla to the top and *ba=
you're in tabbed browsing nirvana...
If mozilla is not listed, clicking 'add' gives you a view of any program =
the K menu and you can peruse that for your browsing pleasures..
Hi ho hi ho...
Kyle Faber
Account Manager
EMR Internet
623-581-0842 voice
623-582-9499 fax
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and=
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