Am 28. Jul, 2003 schw=E4tzte Kurt Granroth so:
> While true (and my favorite filter by far), I'd suggest that new users ju=
> use KMail's built-in filtering rules.
> To do so:
> 1. Create a folder to hold the PLUG mailing list
> Folder -> New Folder...
> 2. Right click on any PLUG message
> RMB -> Create Filter -> Filter on To
> -OR-
> RMB -> Create Filter -> Filter on Mailing-List plug-discuss
> 3. In the dialog, go to Filter Actions and tell it to "move to folder" an=
> select the folder that you just created.
I just did this for my dad last week. I've used knx-hdinstall to install
Knoppix for him.
Despite getting lost due to using a mouse in a mail application it took jus=
a few seconds to figure out how to use the kmail filters.
He's quite happy with it, but I still have to figure out how to snarf in ms=
email long enough to get everyone to start using an ISP independent domain
for him.
# I chose to use the kernel sources as my documentation. ;-)
# -- Kevin Buettner