Ernest Baca wrote:
> By far it is superior. It is sort of like combination of ports and
> apt-get. The one thing I personally like is the ability to search the
> packages. With apt-get you have to have the name by looking it up on
> the internet or just know it.
Nah just 'apt-cache search <foo>'
I don't have a point a point by point comparison but in my experience
both distributions package managers have the same functionality. You
just have to decide whether you want to wait around for stuff to build,
but have the software tailored to your system. Or be using your software
right away but maybe not run as quickly as it could or have more options
compiled in than you need. Of course there is a WHOLE lot more to it
than that like the differences between the philosophies of the
distributions and development processes so I'll stop now :).
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