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Author: Robert Rowe
Subject: Thizlinux

The box I purchased was mfg by GQ in China and is distributed in the USA by
BTC Corp(510)657-3956
provide are Intel Celeron @ 1.1GHz 128MB SDRAM PC133 20GB UDMA100 hard drive
56k V92 modem Intel Direct AGP integrated graphics with shared video mem 2
USB ports(the motherboard doc says USB 2.0)
Box has two open bays, 2 DIMM slots one open & four PCI slots 2 open.

Thizlinux 5.0 Laboratory limited Thizoffice 2.0 providing
drawing,presentation,spreadsheet and a text editor. Konqueror Mozilla

My intuition tells this distribution has redhat roots but I am new to the
Linux world and am still fumbling.
The price seemed right and I wanted a Linux lab box to play with.

My original question, was whether I should use Thiz linux or use Redhat
Linus 7.3 which I already have.

>From: >Reply-To:

>Subject: PLUG-discuss digest, Vol 1
#2553 - 13 msgs >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 15:15:12 -0700 > >Send PLUG-discuss
mailing list submissions to > > >To
subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > >or, via
email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to >
> >You can reach the person
managing the list at > > >When
replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific >than "Re:
Contents of PLUG-discuss digest..." > > >Today's Topics: > > 1. Re: GCC Next
Step - Help Please (Robert Bushman) > 2. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please
(Lee Einer) > 3. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please (Lee Einer) > 4. Re: i need
some advice (Imre Kertesz) > 5. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please (KevinO) >
6. Re: i need some advice (Raymond Cantwell) > 7. Test message Time 1206 pm
(Raymond Cantwell) > 8. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please (Robert Bushman) >
9. Re: i need some advice (bob smith) > 10. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please
(Robert Bushman) > 11. Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please (Robert Bushman) >
12. Re: Test message Time 1206 pm (Bryce C) > 13. Re: Test message Time 1206
pm (Bryce C) > >--__--__-- > >Message: 1 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:59:27
-0400 (EDT) >From: Robert Bushman >To: >Subject: Re: GCC Next Step - Help
Please >Reply-To: > >On Sun, 21 Jul
2002, Lee Einer wrote: > > > There are several formats which are likely to
meet everyone's needs. > > Text would do, assuming that we are discussing
content rather than > > format. PDF documents can probably be read by
everyone on the list, > > but I realize that not everybody is able to write
to PDF format, which > > is a disadvantage. HTML documents can be read by
anybody, regardless > > of the OS or office suite they use. > >You're right,
of course. Those are all good formats, >and should be used in most
situations. In this >particular case, since we have to have the document
>done so soon I didn't want to have to reformat it, >so I was hoping to get

away with just using OpenOffice. >But, having your input is more important
than the >half hour it'll take me to integrate your feedback. > >I've
published it in HTML format here:
> > > >--__--__-- >
>Message: 2 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:12:16 -0700 >From: Lee Einer >To:

>Subject: Re: GCC Next Step - Help
Please >Reply-To: > >Robert, it was
not my intent to insult you or cast aspersions upon >you, and I am sorry if
you took it that way. > >What you said was > > As an aside, now that you
mention it, I do plan > to start publishing things in OpenOffice format >
with the intent of forcing people to install it, > but that was not the
purpose in this case. > >Your description of your plan was not limited to
publishing a limited >group of documents to a specific group of recipients-
it was a general >statement of intent to start publishing things in
OpenOffice format >for the purpose of forcing people to install it, and that
proposition >as stated does sound (to me, anyway) a lot like a Microsoft
strategy. >I don't think that I was wrong to say so. > >My comment was
specifically directed at your stated plan to >intentionally force people to
install specific software. My e-mail did >not contain any negative
characterization of you, your character, your >motivations, etc, and (again)
I am sorry if you perceived it >otherwise. > >FWIW, I appreciate your
contributions to this group, and the work >which you are doing with the
Installfest. > > > > >-- >Lee Einer > > >
>--__--__-- > >Message: 3 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:20:48 -0700 >From: Lee

Einer >To: >Subject: Re: GCC Next Step
- Help Please >Reply-To: > > >No need
to incorporate my feedback into this document- I think that >it's great as
written. > >Thanks for publishing this document in a format which I could
access- >I tried the suggestion to unzip the OpenOffice document and just
read >the XML text, but had no luck. > > >-- >Lee Einer >
> > >--__--__-- > >Message: 4 >Date: Sun,

21 Jul 2002 11:19:11 -0700 >From: Imre Kertesz >To:
>Subject: Re: i need some advice
>Reply-To: > >Raymond - > >I reside

in the dark corner of information security and this is my perspective of the
degree/certificate issue. Matt made a good point >earlier about degrees -
they will make you look better on paper and allow to bill yourself at a
higher rate -- but -- unless your >school is REALLY on the cutting edge, IT
education is frightfully behind the times, particularly in the security
field. I'm not >knocking formal education - it will definitely provide you
with a solid foundation but it is ULTIMATELY up to you and your desire to be
>effective (intellectually competitive in current/modern IT issues) as to

whether or not a degree will help you. In other words: know >what's going on
in your field! > >Certificates are great to have and like degrees, look good
on paper. However, If someone has a pretty good memory and can scan Krause &
>Tipton's Information Security Management tome or a CCNA primer, the

certification tests are a breeze. I know plenty of folks in my >industry,
with chains of certifications attached to their names, who are complete
nuggets when it comes to the simplest problems. IF you >want or have a
certification and actually want to be credible in that topic, you need to
make a personal journey out of knowing that >topic to the point that you can
teach it. Why? You will open far more doors with the correct answers and
solutions to difficult problems >if you make an effort to master the
material. Here is an example: I've interviewed too many people with CCIE
certifications on their >resume who could NOT describe to me how to segment
a subnet or make a crossover cable. > >So in response to your question: Yes
- do both: degree and certificates - but do it smart and do it for the right
reasons. Additionally, >surround yourself with smart people with whom you
can trade ideas and ask questions. But - youre already a member of this list
so that >does not seem to be an issue. > >Good luck on your journey. > >
>Raymond Cantwell wrote: > > > Hey all, > > Now i wanna start this with a

disclaimer. I am not asking anyone to take > > me under thier wing or gimme
a chance with them at thier job or even > > find me a job. With that said i
just need a little guidance as to which > > route to take in my career.
Right now i know that any chance in IT is a > > ways off, maybe two or three
years. I just dont know if i should try > > going for a degree or if i
should go for certs or both. Sorry for the > > rambling message just feeling
alittle confused. Any advice will be welcomed. > > Thank you all, > > Ray >
> > > ________________________________________________ > > See if your mail doesn't post to
the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > > > PLUG-discuss
mailing list - > > > >-- > >-· ·
···- · ·-· ·--· · - ·- -··· ··- ·-· -· ·· -· --· -·· --- --· >"If you sit
quietly at the edge of a river, eventually >you will see the bodies of your
enemies float by" >-A maxim of patience, author unknown > >Imre Kertesz
>480.363.1492 >PGP ID: 0x1C1E5054 > > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 5 >Date:

Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:45:58 -0700 >From: KevinO >To:
>Subject: Re: GCC Next Step - Help
Please >Reply-To: > >Just for yucks...
> >The html version of the latest revision of this document that I have is

at : > > > >I will try to
keep an eye on the list and keep this up to date. > >The html format was
done by doing a 'save as' using OpenOffice. > >Lee Einer wrote: > > There
are several formats which are likely to meet everyone's needs. > > Text
would do, assuming that we are discussing content rather than > > format.
PDF documents can probably be read by everyone on the list, > > but I
realize that not everybody is able to write to PDF format, which > > is a
disadvantage. HTML documents can be read by anybody, regardless > > of the
OS or office suite they use. > > > > > > > >-- >KevinO > >Matz's Law: > A
conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. > > >--__--__-- >
>Message: 6 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 11:56:26 -0700 >From: "Raymond

Cantwell" >To: >Subject: Re: i need
some advice >Reply-To: > > > > > > >
>Imre, p./
>I would like to thank you and all the other fine folks of Plug for giving
> >.`me some solid advice and guidance. I am going to go to school within
>the >next few months a`nd i am already working on my CCNA. I am 30 and
>trying >to make a huge career change, I guess i am Plugs chef right now,
>Hey does >that make me the first open source chef, sorry i got OT. Again
>you all have >been a very useful resource for direction.
>Thank you all,
>Imre Kertesz wrote:

Raymond -
>I reside in the dark corner of information security and this is my
>perspective of the degree/certificate issue. Matt made a good point
>earlier about degrees - they will make you look better on paper and allow
>to bill yourself at a higher rate -- but -- unless your
>school is REALLY on the cutting edge, IT education is frightfully behind
>the times, particularly in the security field. I'm not
>knocking formal education - it will definitely provide you with a solid
>foundation but it is ULTIMATELY up to you and your desire to be
>effective (intellectually competitive in current/modern IT issues) as to
>whether or not a degree will help you. In other words: know
>what's going on in your field!
>Certificates are great to have and like degrees, look good on paper.
>However, If someone has a pretty good memory and can scan Krause &
>Tipton's Information Security Management tome or a CCNA primer, the
>certification tests are a breeze. I know plenty of folks in my
>industry, with chains of certifications attached to their names, who are
>complete nuggets when it comes to the simplest problems. IF you
>want or have a certification and actually want to be credible in that
>topic, you need to make a personal journey out of knowing that
>topic to the point that you can teach it. Why? You will open far more doors
>with the correct answers and solutions to difficult problems
>if you make an effort to master the material. Here is an example: I've
>interviewed too many people with CCIE certifications on their
>resume who could NOT describe to me how to segment a subnet or make a
>crossover cable.
>So in response to your question: Yes - do both: degree and certificates -
>but do it smart and do it for the right reasons. Additionally,
>surround yourself with smart people with whom you can trade ideas and ask
>questions. But - youre already a member of this list so that
>does not seem to be an issue.
>Good luck on your journey.
>Raymond Cantwell wrote:

Hey all,
>Now i wanna start this with a disclaimer. I am not asking anyone to take
>me under thier wing or gimme a chance with them at thier job or even
>find me a job. With that said i just need a little guidance as to which
>route to take in my career. Right now i know that any chance in IT is a
>ways off, maybe two or three years. I just dont know if i should try
>going for a degree or if i should go for certs or both. Sorry for the
>rambling message just feeling alittle confused. Any advice will be
>Thank you all,
>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list -

>-· · ···- · ·-· ·--· · - ·- -··· ··- ·-· -· ·· -· --· -·· --- --·
>"If you sit quietly at the edge of a river, eventually
>you will see the bodies of your enemies float by"
>-A maxim of patience, author unknown
>Imre Kertesz
>PGP ID: 0x1C1E5054
>See if your mail doesn't
>post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list -

>Raymond Cantwell
> Jul 21 10:01:18 MST 2002
>"The first rule of leadership is everything is your fault."
> > > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 7 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:06:56 -0700
> >From: "Raymond Cantwell" >To: "PLUG-discuss" >Subject: Test message Time
>1206 pm >Reply-To: > >12:06 Post
>Meridian > >-- >Raymond Cantwell > Jul 21 10:01:18 MST
>2002 >"The first rule of leadership is everything is your fault." > > >
> >--__--__-- > >Message: 8 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 14:30:16 -0400 (EDT)
> >From: Robert Bushman >To: >Subject: Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please
> >Reply-To: > >On Sun, 21 Jul 2002,
>Lee Einer wrote: > > > Robert, it was not my intent to insult you or cast
>aspersions upon > > you, and I am sorry if you took it that way. > >My
>apologies - I have such a powerfully negative >image of Bill Gates, and
>particularly Steve >Ballmer (more malevolent and less intelligent), >that I
>overreacted. > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 9 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 13:02:15
>-0700 (PDT) >From: bob smith >Subject: Re: i need some advice >To:
> >Reply-To:
> > > >--- Imre Kertesz wrote: > >
>Raymond - > > Certificates are great to have and like degrees, > > look
>good on paper. > >If someone wanted to get into computer security as a
> >possible career choice is there anything else you >would recommend they
>do? In your opinion, how could >one gain some good experience and be
>considered as a >possible candidate for the job? >
> >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better > >
> >--__--__-- > >Message: 10 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 15:23:55 -0400 (EDT)
> >From: Robert Bushman >To: >Subject: Re: GCC Next Step - Help Please
> >Reply-To: > >On Sun, 21 Jul 2002,
>Lee Einer wrote: > > > As an aside, now that you mention it, I do plan > >
>to start publishing things in OpenOffice format > > with the intent of
>forcing people to install it, > > but that was not the purpose in this
>case. > > > > Your description of your plan was not limited to publishing a
>limited > > group of documents to a specific group of recipients- it was a
>general > > statement of intent to start publishing things in OpenOffice
>format > > for the purpose of forcing people to install it, and that
>proposition > > as stated does sound (to me, anyway) a lot like a Microsoft
>strategy. > > I don't think that I was wrong to say so. > >You are right,
>and I should have been more clear. My >statement had no scope
>specification, which was >dumb. I only ever meant "one thing that I intend
> >to do on some occasions", but it is easier to >interpret my statement as
>a generalization. I assure >you that none of those occasions will be with
>PLUG >documents whose intent is maximum dispersal. As you >noted, it would
>be counterproductive. > >OTOH, we should consider the value of using
>OpenOffice >generally. Professional looking documents are helpful >to the
>public perception of an organization, and I >think OpenOffice is the most
>portable solution at the >moment. If the only hurdle is getting OpenOffice
> >running on your machine, I'll help you install Mandrake >8.1 (and I'm
>sure we can find someone to help if you'd >prefer a different distro). I
>can come out to GCC at >5:30 on Tuesday if you'd like to do it before the
> >meeting. I will loan you a hard drive if you want to >test drive it
>before you commit. > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 11 >Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002
>15:34:03 -0400 (EDT) >From: Robert Bushman >To: >Subject: Re: GCC Next Step
>- Help Please >Reply-To: > >On Sun,
>21 Jul 2002, Lee Einer wrote: > > > No need to incorporate my feedback into
>this document- I think that > > it's great as written. > >Very agreed -
>you, Jim Farli, and Michelle Lowman >make an excellant writing team. You
>hit all the >right points. > > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 12 >Subject: Re:
>Test message Time 1206 pm >From: Bryce C >To:
> >Date: 21 Jul 2002 13:47:55 -0700
> >Reply-To: > >Received 12:19. >This
>response sent 13:47 > >On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 12:06, Raymond Cantwell wrote:
> > > 12:06 Post Meridian > > > > -- > > Raymond Cantwell > >
> Jul 21 10:01:18 MST 2002 > > "The first rule of
>leadership is everything is your fault." > > > > > >
>________________________________________________ > > See
> if your mail doesn't post to
>the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > > > PLUG-discuss
>mailing list - > >
> > > >--
> >Bryce Chidester >Network Administrator >CoBryce Communications >Bryce AT
>BryceCo DOT Net > > > > >--__--__-- > >Message: 13
> >Subject: Re: Test message Time 1206 pm >From: Bryce C >To:
> >Date: 21 Jul 2002 14:04:45 -0700
> >Reply-To: > >This message received
>ad 14:00. >Messages take 12 min to reach list. >Sent 14:04. > >On Sun,
>2002-07-21 at 13:47, Bryce C wrote: > > Received 12:19. > > This response
>sent 13:47 > > > > On Sun, 2002-07-21 at 12:06, Raymond Cantwell wrote: > >
> > 12:06 Post Meridian > > > > > > -- > > > Raymond Cantwell > > >
> Jul 21 10:01:18 MST 2002 > > > "The first rule of
>leadership is everything is your fault." > > > > > > > > >
>________________________________________________ > > > See
> if your mail doesn't post to
>the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > > > > >
>PLUG-discuss mailing list - > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > Bryce Chidester > > Network Administrator > > CoBryce Communications >
> > Bryce AT BryceCo DOT Net > > > > > > > >
>________________________________________________ > > See
> if your mail doesn't post to
>the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > > > PLUG-discuss
>mailing list - > >
> > > >--
> >Bryce Chidester >Network Administrator >CoBryce Communications >Bryce AT
>BryceCo DOT Net > > > > > >--__--__-- >
> >_______________________________________________ >PLUG-discuss mailing
>list -
> > > > >End of
>PLUG-discuss Digest

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