January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 00:06:02 MST 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:41:35 MST 2012
Messages: 352
- EAST side plug meeting tonight at MCC
PLUG Announcements
- Linux Stammtisch - East Valley - Tuesday
PLUG Announcements
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
JD Austin
- dell inspiron e1505
JD Austin
- dell inspiron e1505
JD Austin
- website hosting
JD Austin
- OT: Virgin Mobile Limits Bandwidth to less than 2.5GB
JD Austin
- ride sharing to SCaLE
Shawn Badger
- ride sharing to SCaLE
Shawn Badger
- Job posting for a Systems Engineer
Shawn Badger
- Video Editing
Kevin Brown
- Video Editing
Kevin Brown
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Ben Browning
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Ben Browning
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Ben Browning
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Ben Browning
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Ben Browning
- Scientific Linux
Ben Browning
- Scientific Linux
Ben Browning
- Scientific Linux
Ben Browning
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Ben Browning
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Ben Browning
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Ben Browning
- google's ftp
Ben Browning
- accessing home network
Michael Butash
- OT HDW question
Michael Butash
- OT HDW question
Michael Butash
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
Michael Butash
- Which tablet(s) the best for Linux applications?
Michael Butash
- phpMyAdmin via Yum on CentOS 6.2
Eric Cope
- phpMyAdmin via Yum on CentOS 6.2
Eric Cope
- Throttling mysql command line
Eric Cope
- Throttling mysql command line
Eric Cope
- Throttling mysql command line
Eric Cope
- Throttling mysql command line
Eric Cope
- dell inspiron e1505
Eric Cope
- dell inspiron e1505
Eric Cope
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Sirlight at Cox
- can I fix windows with linux
James Crawford
- ride sharing to SCaLE
- What is the presentation for Thursday PLUGeast?
- Intriguing Education Project
- Intriguing Education Project
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
- entering command in nautilus
- phpMyAdmin via Yum on CentOS 6.2
Alex Dean
- Throttling mysql command line
Alex Dean
- Throttling mysql command line
Alex Dean
- ruby or python
Alex Dean
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Steven A. DuChene
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Steven A. DuChene
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Steven A. DuChene
- What is the presentation for Thursday PLUGeast?
Steven A. DuChene
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
James Dugger
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
James Dugger
- Building wireless client and wireless accesspoint
James Dugger
- drupal or plone
James Dugger
- Call for January PLUGdev Presentations - this Thursday at UAT
- PLUGdev this Thursday - Cancelled So what Do you want for 2012?
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
- What is the presentation for Thursday PLUGeast?
- google's ftp
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
- oracle virtual machine
Nathan England
- backup entire system
Dale Farnsworth
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Kevin Fries
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Kevin Fries
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Kevin Fries
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Kevin Fries
- can I fix windows with linux
Kevin Fries
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
Kevin Fries
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
Kevin Fries
- ruby or python
Kevin Fries
- drupal or plone
Ariel Gold
- Ubuntu Linux losing popularity fast. New Unity interface to blame? | Royal Pingdom
Ted Gould
- Ubuntu Linux losing popularity fast. New Unity interface to blame? | Royal Pingdom
Ted Gould
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Ted Gould
- $400 laptop with Ubuntu
Ted Gould
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Matt Graham
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Matt Graham
- compressing c:
Matt Graham
- Throttling mysql command line
Matt Graham
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
Matt Graham
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
Matt Graham
- OT: web developer job
Matt Graham
- drupal or plone
Matt Graham
- descend the network tree
Matt Graham
- Throttling mysql command line
Andrew Harris
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
Andrew Harris
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
Andrew Harris
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
Andrew Harris
- website hosting
Andrew Harris
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- hd vs sd
Michael Havens
- hd vs sd
Michael Havens
- Ubuntu Linux losing popularity fast. New Unity interface to blame? | Royal Pingdom
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- edubuntu slideshow
Michael Havens
- accessing home network
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- backup entire system
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- "no such partition"~I hurt my machine!
Michael Havens
- no such partition~I hurt my machine
Michael Havens
- no such partition~I hurt my machine
Michael Havens
- compressing c:
Michael Havens
- compressing c:
Michael Havens
- compressing c:
Michael Havens
- "no such partition"~I hurt my machine!
Michael Havens
- proxy
Michael Havens
- proxy
Michael Havens
- proxy
Michael Havens
- proxy
Michael Havens
- can I fix windows with linux
Michael Havens
- dell inspiron e1505
Michael Havens
- dell inspiron e1505
Michael Havens
- special character.
Michael Havens
- can I fix windows with linux
Michael Havens
- can I fix windows with linux
Michael Havens
- dell inspiron e1505
Michael Havens
- ot-windows7
Michael Havens
- open source alternative to dreamweaver
Michael Havens
- ot-windows7
Michael Havens
- can I fix windows with linux
Michael Havens
- Fwd: dell inspiron e1505
Michael Havens
- website hosting
Michael Havens
- website hosting
Michael Havens
- website hosting
Michael Havens
- dell inspiron e1505
Michael Havens
- website hosting
Michael Havens
- google's ftp
Michael Havens
- google's ftp
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- entering command in nautilus
Michael Havens
- entering command in nautilus
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- moving home to /dev/sda6
Michael Havens
- entering command in nautilus
Michael Havens
- descend the network tree
Michael Havens
- descend the network tree
Michael Havens
- drupal or plone
Michael Havens
- descend the network tree
Michael Havens
- problem installing plone
Michael Havens
- problem installing plone
Michael Havens
- descend the network tree
Michael Havens
- descend the network tree
Michael Havens
- ruby or python
Michael Havens
- oracle virtual machine
Michael Havens
- oracle virtual machine
Michael Havens
- notes in a pdf
Michael Havens
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Technomage Hawke
- Ubuntu Linux losing popularity fast. New Unity interface to blame? | Royal Pingdom
Technomage Hawke
- EAST side plug meeting tonight at MCC
Technomage Hawke
- open source alternative to dreamweaver
Tom Haws
- Scientific Linux
R P Herrold
- Scientific Linux
R P Herrold
- website hosting
R P Herrold
- OT HDW question
Mark Jarvis
- OT HDW question
Mark Jarvis
- OT HDW question update
Mark Jarvis
- OT HDW question update
Mark Jarvis
- (OT HDW question update) update
Mark Jarvis
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
Douglas Jerome
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Tom Jones
- accessing home network
Lisa Kachold
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Lisa Kachold
- accessing home network
Lisa Kachold
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Lisa Kachold
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Lisa Kachold
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Lisa Kachold
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Lisa Kachold
- Hackfest January 14, 2012 @MakerBench 3PM - 6PM
Lisa Kachold
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
Lisa Kachold
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Lisa Kachold
- Hackfest January 14, 2012 @MakerBench 3PM - 6PM
Lisa Kachold
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Lisa Kachold
- no such partition~I hurt my machine
Lisa Kachold
- Intriguing Education Project
Lisa Kachold
- Hackfest Crypt Presentation from 1/14/2012
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Throttling mysql command line
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Lisa Kachold
- dell inspiron e1505
Lisa Kachold
- descend the network tree
Lisa Kachold
- OT: Virgin Mobile Limits Bandwidth to less than 2.5GB
Lisa Kachold
- Sr. Linux Systems Administrator ~ Gilbert, AZ - FullTime Permanent Position
Lisa Kachold
- oracle virtual machine
Joseph King
- no such partition~I hurt my machine
Sam Kreimeyer
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Sam Kreimeyer
- no such partition~I hurt my machine
Sam Kreimeyer
- proxy
Sam Kreimeyer
- proxy
Sam Kreimeyer
- proxy
Sam Kreimeyer
- proxy
Sam Kreimeyer
- proxy
Sam Kreimeyer
- entering command in nautilus
Sam Kreimeyer
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
Walter Mack
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
Walter Mack
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
Walter Mack
- Got an odd one: laptop AMD CPU stuck at 800mhz, won't jump to 1,600
Jim March
- [Tfug] Got an odd one: laptop AMD CPU stuck at 800mhz, won't jump to 1, 600
Jim March
- [Tfug] Got an odd one: laptop AMD CPU stuck at 800mhz, won't jump to 1, 600
Jim March
- oracle virtual machine
Jim March
- compressing c:
James Mcphee
- proxy
James Mcphee
- proxy
James Mcphee
- descend the network tree
James Mcphee
- "no such partition"~I hurt my machine!
Paul Mooring
- OT: Linux Admin job
Paul Mooring
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Bryan O'Neal
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Bryan O'Neal
- Throttling mysql command line
Bryan O'Neal
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Bryan O'Neal
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Bryan O'Neal
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Bryan O'Neal
- website hosting
Bryan O'Neal
- oracle virtual machine
Bryan O'Neal
- drupal or plone
Carl Parrish
- OT: Virgin Mobile Limits Bandwidth to less than 2.5GB
AZ Pete
- OT: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-350 For Sale
AZ Pete
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Steve Phariss
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Steve Phariss
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Mark Phillips
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Mark Phillips
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Mark Phillips
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
Mark Phillips
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- drupal or plone
Mark Phillips
- URL advertising
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Sean Roe
- really strange happening.
Sean Roe
- really strange happening.
Sean Roe
- Bash script - for rsync to backup file server running samba.
Eric Shubert
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Eric Shubert
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Eric Shubert
- OT HDW question
Eric Shubert
- OT HDW question update
Eric Shubert
- Scientific Linux
Eric Shubert
- phpMyAdmin via Yum on CentOS 6.2
Eric Shubert
- Building wireless client and wireless accesspoint
Eric Shubert
- hd vs sd
Joseph Sinclair
- Which tablet(s) the best for Linux applications?
Joseph Sinclair
- URL advertising
Joseph Sinclair
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
- OT - Windows XP Installation CD
- backup entire system
- hd vs sd
- edubuntu slideshow
- moving home to /dev/sda6
- New years Resolution suggestion from the EFF
- PLUGdev this Thursday - Cancelled So what Do you want for 2012?
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
- OSS distributed system imaging solutions?
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
- OT HDW question
- OT HDW question update
- really strange happening.
- Scientific Linux
- (OT HDW question update) update
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
- Scientific Linux
- compressing c:
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
- Aptana Studio 3
- phpMyAdmin via Yum on CentOS 6.2
- proxy
- can I fix windows with linux
- dell inspiron e1505
- can I fix windows with linux
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
- Got an odd one: laptop AMD CPU stuck at 800mhz, won't jump to 1, 600
- dell inspiron e1505
- ot-windows7
- Building wireless client and wireless accesspoint
- Which tablet(s) the best for Linux applications?
- dell inspiron e1505
- dell inspiron e1505
- drupal or plone
- drupal or plone
- entering command in nautilus
- Ubuntu on Barns and Noble Nook
- oracle virtual machine
- RHEL-6.1 system with 4 CPU sockets and 1TB of memory
Derek Trotter
- ride sharing to SCaLE
Phillip Waclawski
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Phillip Waclawski
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
Brian Weaver
- website hosting
Steven Ziskin-Bailey
- website hosting
Steven Ziskin-Bailey
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
joe at actionline.com
- What is the simplest date reminder method?
joe at actionline.com
- Which tablet(s) the best for Linux applications?
joe at actionline.com
- ride sharing to SCaLE
- What is the presentation for Thursday PLUGeast?
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
- Video Editing
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
- tablet for SCaLE trip?
- SCaLE streaming today
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
- Call to Presenters - PLUGdev is February 2nd
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
mike enriquez
- backup entire system
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- backup entire system
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- moving home to /dev/sda6
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- website hosting
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- descend the network tree
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- descend the network tree
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- descend the network tree
kitepilot at kitepilot.com
- Red Hat Certified Engineer Training
thomas at redhat.com
- Scientific Linux
keith smith
- Where did the degree requirement come from for programmers?
keith smith
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
keith smith
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
keith smith
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
keith smith
- Log Review Failed FTP Attempt
keith smith
- website hosting
keith smith
- website hosting
keith smith
- website hosting
keith smith
- website hosting
keith smith
- website hosting
keith smith
- drupal or plone
keith smith
- drupal or plone
keith smith
- URL advertising
keith smith
- Linkedin API Project
keith smith
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:41:35 MST 2012
Archived on: Tue Jan 31 23:41:53 MST 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).