no such partition~I hurt my machine

Sam Kreimeyer skreimey at
Thu Jan 12 15:34:31 MST 2012

I don't see anything wrong, but then again, my dabbling with grub
usually didn't end well.

If you don't have anything on the partitions to lose, I would suggest
booting from a live CD like GParted, making your partition edits that
way and then installing as normal. I believe installing Ubuntu on a HD
with multiple partitions will come with grub already on board.

Trying to straighten it out through the command line might be a more
fun learning experience, though : )

On 1/12/12, Michael Havens <bmike1 at> wrote:
> I've been searching for a solution to this and think I found it here->
> which states:
> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> You will have to open a Grub terminal and run:
> grub> device (hd0) /dev/sda
> grub> root (hd0,1)
> grub> setup (hd0,1)
> grub> root (hd0,2)
> grub> setup (hd0,2)
> and so on.
> grub> quit
> sync
> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''
> And then I suppose that's it.
> Does this look right?
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:

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