hard drive partitions

Jason plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Fri, 24 Aug 2001 00:58:43 +0000

"David A. Sinck" wrote:
> Oh, and speaking from experience, running fsck on a 9G / partition (I
> did *not* set it up) sucks eggs.  Big nasty rotten eggs.  And momma
> bird is there pecking your eyes out while you do it too.  Then the
> trifids come over because of the noise, and they make it so dark that
> you are likely to be eaten by a grue.  30+m to fsck that partition.

/dev/hdc4             25157208   8339152  15540088  35% /mp3

It doesnt take THAT long to check. The first part is the worst. But
then again, all those files are nicely in order - almost nothing ever
gets deleted there, and each file is at least a couple megs in size.
The only updated info in that partition is the log of skipped songs,
the listing of songs to always skip, and the directory info itself,
every time a file is added.

jkenner @ mindspring . com__
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