hard drive partitions
David A. Sinck
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 16:54:39 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth J.Francois on 8/8/2001 13:28 as having spake thusly:
\_ On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 11:51:09AM -0700, David A. Sinck wrote:
\_ >
\_ > Oh, and speaking from experience, running fsck on a 9G / partition (I
\_ > did *not* set it up) sucks eggs. Big nasty rotten eggs. And momma
\_ > bird is there pecking your eyes out while you do it too. Then the
\_ > trifids come over because of the noise, and they make it so dark that
\_ > you are likely to be eaten by a grue. 30+m to fsck that partition.
\_ >
\_ > David
\_ >
\_ >
\_ Check how you do an mke2fs.
\_ I have a 44GB drive, one partition,
\_ that takes no more than 5 minutes to fsck.
\_ I only store tar files and mp3s on the drive.
That might help, the partition in question has / on it, and so has
billions of bitty files, not convenient large chunky files. Dunno,
I'm not a fs expert, but I play one on plug. :-)
\_ IIRC a 44GB drive without setting the number of inodes creates
\_ about 3 or 4 million inodes by default which really
\_ slows things down.
Bing, we have a winner of why you need to do some things by hand. 9G,
30 minutes fsck because of a default install (I'm assuming).
Know thy data.