hard drive partitions

Rusty Carruth plug-discuss@lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 21:00:52 -0700 (MST)

> "David A. Sinck" wrote:
> > Oh, and speaking from experience, running fsck on a 9G / partition (I
> > did *not* set it up) sucks eggs.  Big nasty rotten eggs.  And momma
> > bird is there pecking your eyes out while you do it too.  Then the
> > trifids come over because of the noise, and they make it so dark that
> > you are likely to be eaten by a grue.  30+m to fsck that partition.
> /dev/hdc4             25157208   8339152  15540088  35% /mp3
> It doesnt take THAT long to check. The first part is the worst. But
> then again, all those files are nicely in order - almost nothing ever

Hmm.  I've got a fairly new 40 gig partition (well, ALMOST 40 g),
with about 10-25 G in it already.  Moderately active partition,

Last time the machine had the power plug pulled by accident (don't
ask ;-) it took less than 15 minutes (I was NOT paying too much
attention, coulda been less), and that includes a 10 G AND a
20 G (I think - but the machine is off right now - I'm shuffling
my office ;-) drive in addition.

30 minutes - something is wrong there....
