Database holy war
Carl Parrish
Mon, 23 Apr 2001 21:48:21 -0700
Brian Cluff wrote:
>> MySQL is definitely the way to go for small personal use databases, but
> since it
>> does have a 2GB limit per table can make larger databases impossible, but
> using
>> it can give you a basis on standard SQL syntax for moving on to the bigger
> guys
>> that you probably couldn't afford as a personal/small business user.
> That wasn't a MySQL limit, it was a filesystem limit, and if you run a 2.4
> kernel, that is no longer a problem. Also MySQL has a raid table option
> that will allow you to break your table files up so they aren't as big, and
> you can spread them across sevral devices if you want.
> For all the postgres people:
> MySQL also does transactions, replication, row level locking.. etc etc you
> know all the things that people said "dont use MySQL... it doesn't do bla
> bla"
> The only thing that it doesn't do for me now that I would really like is
> subqueries, but if you check the todo list, that is the top priority right
> now... so very soon :)
> Brian Cluff
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Still no stored procedures but I have to say I'm liking the new version
a *lot*
Carl Parrish