adding new hard drive
Jason Brown
Sun, 26 Mar 2000 20:08:37 -0700
Just a little safeguard in case Murphy is visiting....
When you create replacement partitions such as /home in this example, mount
the new drive and format as recommended, copy the files over to the new
partition, and then umount the old partition. Do not delete anything in it
yet. Umount the new partition from the temporary location and remount it to
the new location such as /home. Edit the fstab as needed.
As you will be mounting any replaced mount points, you can still have acces to
the old files if something was missed during the copy.
You can also create a non-standard mount point. I use /backup and /aux (for
auxillary) quite a bit. In /aux I usually have mp3's, miscellanous files, and
vmware virtual disks.
Jason Brown
On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, you wrote:
> Just to add a little more to it, You will want to
> plan where you want the space to go. If you want a
> large /home directory you can partition the entire
> new drive, mount it to somehting like /mount/tmp then
> copy everything in /home onto it. then you can delete
> everything in the reall /home and remout /mount/tmp to
> /home. depending on your distribution you will want to
> split the drive up into space as required for diffrent
> portions of your install. /var/should always have a little
> breathing room, /home is nice to have a lot of space on,
> /usr/local is nice to have a LOT of space if you compile
> and install your own packages or packages that dont come
> with your distribution. other than the where should it go
> question preaty much follow the directions below.
> Bill Warner
> >Hi,
> >
> >Just a quick guess, but I image that you would
> >
> >1) install new HD
> >2) fdisk the new HD
> >3) mkfs the new HD
> >4) add the new disk to /etc/fstab
> >
> >John
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Marc []
> >Sent: Friday, March 24, 2000 3:18 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: adding new hard drive
> >
> >
> >Hi all,
> >I'm using Mandrake 7.0 and I was wondering what I need to do to add a new
> >hard disk to my system? I searched the how-to's , but did not find
> >anything
> >relating to adding and configuring a new hard drive to an existing linux
> >setup.
> >Any help is appreciated! =)
> >
> >Thanks
> >Marc
> >
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