Sat, 18 Mar 2000 21:34:47 -0700 (MST)
Unless you have reasons not to (and many do) I would upgrade to CBOS 2.2
it won't stop uswest.net from reassigning ips in the middle of a session
but, IMHO, will make it a little easier on you.
> Firmware version 2.0.1 for the CBos was up for over 60 days last time, only been
> up 9 days since the reboot, doesn't help that USWest keeps changing the IP. The
> router didn't get the new routes into place and I was browsing the web as the ip
> change happened, so I suddenly couldn't talk to the outside world as my systems
> were using the old routing.
> > It does? What version of CBOS are you running? I have not touched mine in
> > months.
> > > The Cisco DSL router (external 675) needs to be power cycled every so often due
> > > to known memory leak issues.