Phoenix DSL HOW-TO?
D. Taylor
Wed, 15 Mar 2000 11:11:16 -0700 (MST)
OK, stupid question, as I may get DSL sometime in the future.
Remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid people.
How is an ISP that offers DSL service (such as Wired Global,
with whom I do dialup now (their dialup seems to get horked
up every once in a while, and it is a PITA, but if I get DSL
I'm stickin' with 'em)) connected to USWorst to be able to
provide DSL service? 200 individual xDSL lines? Multiple
T1s? An OC-3?
I guess my concern is whether or not I have to worry about
RaDSL vs. SDSL vs. VDSL for my side of the connection. Or,
does an ISP simply say "we offer DSL", I simply order FooDSL
service, and the FM between me and my ISP lets them play with
each other nicely?
On Wed, 15 Mar 2000, Sean Roe wrote:
> Date: Wed, 15 Mar 2000 00:30:20 -0700
> From: Sean Roe <>
> Reply-To:
> To: ""
> Subject: Re: Phoenix DSL HOW-TO?
> Original message from: "J. Francois"
> Cut for brevity....
> _/ What kind of hardware do I have to purchase? Do I have to have a second phone line? <baited question> who are some of the
> better ISPs who offer DSL services, and what are the going monthly rates?
> _/
> _/You need a DSL router which would replace the Cable Modem.
> _/You don't need a second phone line. The DSL circuit uses one pair and
> _/your phone uses the other pair in a standard phone line installation.
> I believe you are mistaken here. Dsl and POTS (Plain old telephone service) use the same copper. they are ridding in different
> frequencies (?sp). That is why there is a limitation on distance. RaDSL (Us Worst) is limited to 18000 feet from the CO where as
> other xDSL technoligies (SDSL- Rythems) can go upto 26000 feet depending on a bunch of factors. I am currently switching from
> RaDSL to SDSL (and getting a second phone line in the process) in the hopes of getting better sustainable transfer rates.
> Sean
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