win2k 65k errors
Kevin Brown
Thu, 02 Mar 2000 15:23:03 -0700
Just remember, WindowsNT won't run on the crap sold at most mom and pop stores.
I should know. At my last job they tried to get Windows2K installed on a box
and they could never get it to work. It was a celeron 366, 64MB ram,
Motherboard had all the crap integrated onto it (video, sound, modem and lan).
It was hilarious to watch the store techs struggle to get it to run.
Unfortunately if Newtek doesn't port their 3d apps to *nix I'm going to continue
to run NT on my systems and leave linux for the server stuff (web, mail, etc...)
> > and mot is bringing in new machines, just trying to decide what os to put
> > on them.
> Well Rooster, *ACTUALLY*, I was at Fry's the other day,
> I looked *AT THE BOX*, and THE BOX said 32M *minimum*,
> 64M *recommended*.
> After chuckling at that, I then read the rest of the
> box. It went something like
> Building on the reliability and security of NT...
> At that point, my chuckling turned into uncontrollable
> laughter and I passed out from the lack of oxygen. When
> I came to, there were ten white shirts hovering over me.
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