> Matt Graham wrote:
>> On 2021-07-14 11:55, greg zegan wrote:
>>> [gzegan@GreenRoom ~]$ sudo dnf install @postgresql:10
>>> This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management.
>>> Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'bintray--ookla-rhel':
>> Can you install anything at all? I think your package management
>> system is misconfigured and it has nothing to do with mysql
>> https://forums.centos.org/viewtopic.php?t=76165 shows somebody
>> having a similar problem [...] I can't give you more guidance
>> as this is a CentOS-specific problem and I abandoned CentOS when
>> they stopped having KDE available.
On 2021-07-15 07:24, greg zegan wrote:
> It does look like I have issues installing anything else. I didn't
> until recently. please advise.
Ask someone who uses CentOS? Switch to a better distro? Read the link
on forums.centos.org where someone else had a similar problem and solved
it by uninstalling redhat-subscription-management and some other things?
Also, send questions to the mailing list instead of individual people.
Yahoo mail apparently doesn't respect the Reply-To: header, so you will
have to use a better mail client or set the To: manually to
plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org .
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