Re: zoom and teams patches

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Author: der.hans via PLUG-discuss
Date: 2020-04-29 00:00 -000
To: Phil Waclawski via PLUG-discuss
CC: der.hans
Subject: Re: zoom and teams patches
Am 28. Apr, 2020 schwätzte Phil Waclawski via PLUG-discuss so:

moin moin Phil,

> Webex still does not have a Linux client (not even via web), so it is a no
> go for me except on my phone, and I can't teach class with a phone. So
> still using Zoom.

Hmm, a help page claims support for GNU/Linux.

Linux (Web App) (32-bit/64-bit)

     Ubutuntu 14.x or later

     OpenSuSE 13.x or later

     Fedora 18 or later

     Red Hat 6 or later

     Debian 8.x or later

The following Webex services are available for Linux on the web app:

     Webex Meetings

     Webex Events (attendees)

     Webex Training (attendees)

Known issues and limitations for Linux on the Webex Meetings web app:

     In some versions of Linux, users must proactively install and activate
the “OpenH264 Video Codec provided by Cisco Systems, Inc.” plugin in order
for the video, call my computer, and content sharing features to work in

     Content sharing does not work in Linux versions that use Wayland as
their display management system (such as Fedora 25 and later), due to an
issue with the WebRTC screen sharing API.

     Sending and receiving video does not work in Fedora 28 due to an issue
with the H.264 codec.

See the Web App Supported Operating Systems and Browsers for more
information on the additional features for Linux that are available in the
Webex Meetings desktop app.

Linux (Legacy App)

     Ubuntu 12.x and 14.x (Gnome) (all 32-bit)

     Red Hat 5, 6 (all 32-bit)

     Open SuSE 13.1, 13.2 (all 32-bit)

     Fedora 19, 20 32-bit/64-bit


     Webex video and Personal Room video are only supported on the Webex
Meetings Web App.

     The following Webex services are available for Linux on the legacy

         Webex Meetings

         Webex Events

         Webex Training

         Remote Support



> Phil W
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 11:32 AM der.hans via PLUG-discuss <
> > wrote:
>> moin moin,
>> I'll be posting something longer and positive about Big Blue Button (
>> hopefully today ), but at this point we're probably all stuck using a
>> variety of tools that others get to choose for us.
>> Zoom fixed their waiting room security hole and Microsoft is still
>> learning how to safely display images.
>> Both were fixed server side, so the holes should be gone.
>> Anyone know the state of webex? That's popped up for me due to the
>> recurring zoom issues.
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
>> --
>> #
>> # It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
>> # An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans
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