Re: cox vs centurylink

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Author: David Schwartz
Date: 2015-07-17 18:30 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: cox vs centurylink
It probably depends on what part of town you’re in.

I’m in N. Scottsdale, and they (CenturyLink) is supposedly bringing gigabit fiber into the area. “Any day now”.

Anyway, it seems that the UL speeds for residential are half or less than the DL speeds these days. It used to be 10:1, so 2:1 is a vast improvement.

So much stuff gets copied into the cloud these days that you don’t need to be running a server to have large UL traffic.


> On Jul 17, 2015, at 11:21 AM, der.hans <> wrote:
> Am 17. Jul, 2015 schwätzte Stephen Partington so:
> moin moin Stephen,
>> Well i have to say in my area Century Link is a horrible amount of fail.
>> 20mb max residential and business is up to 40mb but with only 2mb upload
>> for almost 200 a month.
> Wow! The site lists 40MB for less than $40/month for residential. It looks
> like that jumps to $150/mo for commercial.
> Both seem to have the same rules, but as I pointed out in the original
> post, their documentation on what is included in the service is
> non-existent or non-transparent.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> -- 
> #
> #  So much shiny, so little time. -- der.hans---------------------------------------------------
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