Re: nexus 6 broken screen

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Author: der.hans
Date: 2015-07-17 05:11 -000
To: nathan, Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: nexus 6 broken screen
Am 16. Jul, 2015 schwätzte Nathan England so:

moin moin Nathan,

> From my experiences with encrypted hard drives in both the windows world and
> linux land, I have been hesitant to encrypt my phone. I use the Moto G on a
> prepaid verizon plan, so if the phone dies, I can pick up a new one for $60
> bucks at walmart, meaning I'm not concerned about sending it in...

My phones cost a bit more :). I also generally use them for several years
if the provider is sufficient.

> Regardless, I've pondered encrypting it, but dreaded the performance loss.
> What has your experience been on the 6? Is there a significant performance
> hit? Do you just feel it is worth the privacy protection and deal with it? Is
> it not even noticeable?

I haven't noticed. I'm also not that critical. I'm not a gamer except that
I've been getting into sgt's puzzle collection, especially galaxies :).

Phone calls work, camera works. Playing music works. Haven't stressed it
much beyond that. I do use lots of f-droid apps, but the only things that
were sluggish were a few of the games I tried.

> My windows machine with bitlocker is unbearably slow, at least compared to my
> SSD machines. And the encrypted HDD with Fedora is painful as well, though
> not near as bad as windows.

Debian with full disk encryption was fine.

Using $HOME encryption bit me as I use unison and both the encryption and
unison make longer file names. As a result lots of files couldn't be
synced because the file name was too long.

Could I get a functioning display and screen reader, I would be fine on
the phone as well, but I can't, so the encryption is causing me problems
in this particular case. Then again, I'm fairly certain my data is safe.
Nothing of value to anyone else, but still...



> On 2015-07-16 15:35, der.hans wrote:
>> Am 16. Jul, 2015 schwätzte Stephen Partington so:
>> moin moin,
>> it's encrypted :).
>> At least OEM will have to work hard to get my data. Well, unless they have
>> a back door from the NSA...
>> ciao,
>> der.hans
>>> If you encrypted the device. Not likely. If you have no encryption you can
>>> unlock and flash a bootloader and the push a backup and gain access via
>>> usb/add and pull your backup.
>>> That's the best i can think of.
>>> On Jul 16, 2015 1:55 PM, "der.hans" <> wrote:
>>>> moin moin,
>>>> broke the touchscreen on a nexus 6 and the screen went out as well :(.
>>>> I have a pattern lock on booting, but can't input the pattern or see if
>>>> the phone has been unlocked. Certain it hasn't, but would like to get it
>>>> unlocked and booted.
>>>> The nexus 6 doesn't have mhl. It does have slimport, but you have to root
>>>> the phone to enable slimport.
>>>> Aside from ripping it apart and hooking up a new screen, anyone have some
>>>> ideaѕ on how to get it to boot?
>>>> I want to get final backups and wipe it before returning it.
>>>> Is there a super-secret button combo to get a reset?
>>>> ciao,
>>>> der.hans
>>>> --
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