Re: nexus 6 broken screen

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Author: Nathan England
Date: 2015-07-16 22:55 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
CC: der.hans
Subject: Re: nexus 6 broken screen

From my experiences with encrypted hard drives in both the windows world
and linux land, I have been hesitant to encrypt my phone. I use the Moto
G on a prepaid verizon plan, so if the phone dies, I can pick up a new
one for $60 bucks at walmart, meaning I'm not concerned about sending it

Regardless, I've pondered encrypting it, but dreaded the performance
loss. What has your experience been on the 6? Is there a significant
performance hit? Do you just feel it is worth the privacy protection and
deal with it? Is it not even noticeable?

My windows machine with bitlocker is unbearably slow, at least compared
to my SSD machines. And the encrypted HDD with Fedora is painful as
well, though not near as bad as windows.

On 2015-07-16 15:35, der.hans wrote:
> Am 16. Jul, 2015 schwätzte Stephen Partington so:
> moin moin,
> it's encrypted :).
> At least OEM will have to work hard to get my data. Well, unless they
> have
> a back door from the NSA...
> ciao,
> der.hans
>> If you encrypted the device. Not likely. If you have no encryption you
>> can
>> unlock and flash a bootloader and the push a backup and gain access
>> via
>> usb/add and pull your backup.
>> That's the best i can think of.
>> On Jul 16, 2015 1:55 PM, "der.hans" <> wrote:
>>> moin moin,
>>> broke the touchscreen on a nexus 6 and the screen went out as well
>>> :(.
>>> I have a pattern lock on booting, but can't input the pattern or see
>>> if
>>> the phone has been unlocked. Certain it hasn't, but would like to get
>>> it
>>> unlocked and booted.
>>> The nexus 6 doesn't have mhl. It does have slimport, but you have to
>>> root
>>> the phone to enable slimport.
>>> Aside from ripping it apart and hooking up a new screen, anyone have
>>> some
>>> ideaѕ on how to get it to boot?
>>> I want to get final backups and wipe it before returning it.
>>> Is there a super-secret button combo to get a reset?
>>> ciao,
>>> der.hans
>>> --
>>> #
>>> #  Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll,
>>> #  keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen
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