Re: Chrome/chromium constantly exhausting file handlers/ulim…

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Author: Michael Butash
Date: 2015-04-15 21:16 -000
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: Chrome/chromium constantly exhausting file handlers/ulimits
On 04/15/2015 01:43 PM, sean wrote:
> If your chrome is actually hitting your ulimits then something is
> wrong. Have you done some troubleshooting to track it down? E.g.
> lsof+ps+strace?

So yeah, I had to find where I put this little nugget, but you're right
- data! General deductions, linux runs a lot of crap in the background
with a general UI, in this case kde, but I have about every desktop
installed. I sadly deduced they all suck in some way, but kde tends to
suck less.

This was after chromium was found chewing up a good 14gb of ram an
executed already, and chrome killed too (I use both, I have to keep some
important apps running in chrome for when chromium dies).

Some fun facts:

mb@thrawn:~$ lsof | wc -l
mb@thrawn:~$ lsof -u mb | grep / | sort  -k1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | uniq -c
      22 adb
    1088 akonadi_a
     251 akonadi_b
      28 akonadi_c
     522 akonadi_g
     766 akonadi_m
     533 akonadi_n
     300 akonadi_s
     133 akonadise
      29 at-spi2-r
      29 at-spi-bu
       7 awk
     232 baloo_fil
      98 bamfdaemo
     402 banshee
      97 bash
     130 blueman-a
      42 cat
       4 chrome-sa
    2363 chromium-
       1 COMMAND
     271 dbus-daem
      20 dconf-ser
      42 deja-dup-
     301 dolphin
     278 firefox
      31 gconfd-2
     143 gkrellm
       4 gnome-pty
     140 gnome-ter
      42 gpg-agent
      10 grep
      32 gvfs-afc-
      26 gvfsd
      26 gvfsd-bur
      30 gvfsd-fus
      35 gvfsd-met
      45 gvfsd-tra
      34 gvfs-gpho
      29 gvfs-mtp-
      40 gvfs-udis
      18 htop
    1004 ibus-daem
      33 ibus-dcon
      29 ibus-engi
     122 ibus-ui-g
      74 ibus-x11
      57 indicator
      36 init
     148 java
      12 jbidwatch
     224 kactivity
     281 kate
     256 kcalc
     509 kded4
     114 kdeinit4
     208 kglobalac
     250 kio_http
     116 klauncher
     215 klipper
     264 kmix
     251 knotify4
     295 konsole
     274 korgac
     298 krunner
     292 ksmserver
     200 kuiserver
     210 kwalletd
     284 kwin
       9 kwrapper4
      24 lsof
      15 man
      55 mission-c
     128 mysqld
     203 nautilus
     144 nm-applet
      30 obex-data
      27 oosplash
      10 pager
     152 pavucontr
     325 pidgin.or
     453 plasma-de
     216 polkit-kd
     110 pulseaudi
     182 skype
     380 soffice.b
       8 sort
       4 ssh-agent
      10 startkde
       8 start_kde
     311 thunderbi
       8 uniq
      26 unity-web
      30 upstart-d
      15 upstart-e
      20 upstart-f
       4 VBoxNetDH
      87 VBoxSVC
      65 VBoxXPCOM
     107 vino-serv
       4 VirtualBo
      25 window-st
     160 zeitgeist

# my process finder/killer script for vermin
mb@thrawn:~$ bin/

mb@thrawn:~$ lsof | wc -l
mb@thrawn:~$ lsof -u mb |grep /|sort  -k1 | awk '{ print $1 }' | uniq -c
      22 adb
    1088 akonadi_a
     251 akonadi_b
      28 akonadi_c
     522 akonadi_g
     766 akonadi_m
     533 akonadi_n
     300 akonadi_s
     133 akonadise
      29 at-spi2-r
      29 at-spi-bu
       7 awk
     232 baloo_fil
      98 bamfdaemo
     402 banshee
      97 bash
     130 blueman-a
      42 cat
       1 COMMAND
     266 dbus-daem
      20 dconf-ser
      42 deja-dup-
     301 dolphin
     278 firefox
      31 gconfd-2
     143 gkrellm
       4 gnome-pty
     140 gnome-ter
      42 gpg-agent
      10 grep
      32 gvfs-afc-
      26 gvfsd
      26 gvfsd-bur
      30 gvfsd-fus
      35 gvfsd-met
      45 gvfsd-tra
      34 gvfs-gpho
      29 gvfs-mtp-
      40 gvfs-udis
      18 htop
    1004 ibus-daem
      33 ibus-dcon
      29 ibus-engi
     122 ibus-ui-g
      74 ibus-x11
      57 indicator
      36 init
     148 java
      12 jbidwatch
     224 kactivity
     281 kate
     256 kcalc
     509 kded4
     114 kdeinit4
     208 kglobalac
     250 kio_http
     116 klauncher
     215 klipper
     264 kmix
     251 knotify4
     295 konsole
     274 korgac
     298 krunner
     292 ksmserver
     200 kuiserver
     210 kwalletd
     284 kwin
       9 kwrapper4
      24 lsof
      15 man
      55 mission-c
     128 mysqld
     203 nautilus
     144 nm-applet
      30 obex-data
      27 oosplash
      10 pager
     152 pavucontr
     325 pidgin.or
     453 plasma-de
     216 polkit-kd
     109 pulseaudi
     182 skype
     380 soffice.b
       8 sort
       4 ssh-agent
      10 startkde
       8 start_kde
     312 thunderbi
       8 uniq
      26 unity-web
      30 upstart-d
      15 upstart-e
      20 upstart-f
       4 VBoxNetDH
      87 VBoxSVC
      65 VBoxXPCOM
     107 vino-serv
       4 VirtualBo
      25 window-st
     160 zeitgeist

Reboot time, will see what it looks like fresh.


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