perty funny DUDE!
On Saturday 19 May 2007 9:34 am, Josef Lowder wrote:
> .
> Scottish scientists recently dug to a depth of 10 meters and were surprised
> to find traces of copper wire dating back 100 years, leading to the
> conclusion that their ancestors had built a telephone network more than 100
> years ago.
> Following this, British scientists dug even deeper and made headlines in
> UK newspapers that read: "British archaeologists have found traces of
> copper wire dating more than 200 year old, leading them, to conclude that
> their ancestors had an advanced high-tech communications network a hundred
> years earlier than was recently reported by the Scots."
> Following this, a Minnesota newspaper reported the following:
> "After digging deeper than any of the recent archaeological expeditions
> in the British Isles, a self taught Norwegian archeologist, Ole Olson,
> reported that he found absolutely no trace of any copper wire, thus
> concluding that 300 years ago Norwegians were already using wireless."
> Yah, even though I had a tuff time figuring out my ethernet setup,
> I am yust so very proud off my Norvegian heritage.
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