On 6/22/05, Mike <
stuff@dustsmoke.com> wrote:
> Alan Dayley wrote:
> >>So, can somebody recommend a model or a resource that shows models of
> >>dvd burners?
> I have 2 dvd burners, one ATAPI and one SATA. SATA has been nothing but
> problems in linux under Debian. Maybe its just Debian isn't capable of
> dealing with SATA optical drives without maintaining your own kernel. I
> have no idea, I've given up asking the debian list and
> linuxquestions.org <http://linuxquestions.org> about it.
> -Mike
IMHO, I would stay away from an SATA DVD Burner (in Linux) for now. Just buy
a good NEC, SONY, or Plextor IDE burner and it will just work. I've seen the
NEC on Newegg for as little as $55. I have a Plextor 716A and it works
"Sarcasm is the safe alternative to expressing anger."
--Richard North Patterson