PLUG is not a legal entity but AZOTO is. AZOTO was designed to be the
legal entity behind PLUG. I would suggest that you deal with the issue of
copyright early in the process.
If you have several developers I do not think you want each author being
the sole holder of their copyright for practical purposes. It would be my
suggestion that copyright assignment be given to the FSF, AZOTO or another
legal entity like ASULUG. Each developer would still keep their copyright
authority to what they wrote, but the work as a whole would have an entity
able to defend it if necessary without having to wrangle all the
individual copyright holders.
Just a suggestion.
> Then we should wait until phase 2 for tracking donations. ASULUG is a
> legal
> entity, and we do give charitable receipts, and we do require demographics
> for
> funding purposes. But for now we should focus only on the regular plug
> fests
> and keep the second half of this as a phase 2 issue.
> On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Alan Dayley wrote:
>> > I would believe this to be a must, not only should we be tracking our
>> > volunteers, but also relating them to skill sets, donations, etc.
>> Think
>> > of how easy it would be come March of next year when all you have to
>> do
>> > is query your database to generate charitable donation receipts (I
>> know,
>> > I think like an accountant ;)
>> Just to be clear here: PLUG is not a legal entity and does not track
>> donations or funds of any kind. Anything of value given to the group is
>> not tracked. PLUG does not accept cash or any instruments of money
>> since
>> we have no entity, structure or policy to handle it.
>> That said, tracking who can do what is a good idea that has been bounced
>> around for some time. It would have many purposes even beyond the
>> group.
>> For example, Thrum would like to setup a list of people knowledgeable is
>> various subjects that could be guest lecturers at SCC or other community
>> college campuses (campi?).
>> > In addition, we should also track our customers (ie. those that come
>> to
>> > installfest for help) As accurate information will lead to increased
>> > funding (I am missing out on a bunch of funding because I have no
>> > information on who has been coming to our ASU installfests, -- Then
>> > again, I have very little info on the ASULUG members as well)
>> Again, funding is not the goal. Helping new "customers" is an excellent
>> goal.
>> Alan
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