Sorry for the mis-post here. I meant to post it to the devel list.
Eric "Shubes" wrote:
> I've just read over last week's emails, and am quite impressed. I think
> that Trent has a good handle and approach on a methodology.
> None the less, I'd like to suggest a third, relatively trivial, possible
> project.
> As a subset of the Installfest project, I'd like to see a database of
> information about installfest volunteers, which would enable
> participants to find the appropriate people for answers to the myriad of
> questions that inevitably pop up. Kind of a "who's who" and "who knows
> what" application. This could be be applied to plug members in general
> too (and even installfest participants). Once in place, I think that
> each volunteer or plug member could maintain their own information via
> the web site.
> The database should provide two basic outputs. First is a
> searchable/sortable list of people, and second would be some sort of
> name tags. Personally, I'm terrible with names, and I think that they'd
> be a nice addition to installfests, and meetings too.
> Thoughts / ideas?
-Eric 'shubes'
"There is no such thing as the People;
it is a collectivist myth.
There are only individual citizens
with individual wills
and individual purposes."
-William E. Simon (1927-2000),
Secretary of the Treasury (1974-1977)
"A Time For Truth" (1978), pg. 237
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