--- "der.hans" <
PLUGd@LuftHans.com> wrote:
> Am 12. Jan, 2005 schw?tzte Entelin so:
> Driving in Phoenix
> I won't ride a cycle in LA or the Frisco area. In LA
> they're nuts at
> speed. In Frisco they're just nuts. A no look swerve
> across 4 lanes to
> make it from an entrance to an exit in 100
> meters????
I've seen a bus swerve across 4 lanes at once several
> People who've been in Phoenix for a long time are
> probably amongst the
> best drivers around because they have to be ready to
> react to anything at
> any moment. In what city is it not only legal, but
> expected that one stop
> suddenly in the left lane of a multi-lane road to
> turn left and completely
> ignore the turning lane?
That is so annoying when they do that stuff
> If you think people around you are moving too fast
> and there are
> appropriate lanes to the right you should move
> right. If you think people
> around you are driving too slow and there are
> appropriate lanes to the
> left you should move left.
What is up with people going 55 in the carpool lane,
forcing all the other cars to change lanes, pass them
on the right and change back.
> Do not swerve in and/or out of the diamond lane,
> especially if the lanes
> are not travelling the same speed.
There's been many times cars have been almost hit by
the ASU west bus because they switched into the
carpool lane going like 20 mph slower than that lane,
and the bus had to slam the brakes to avoid hitting
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