Re: Something for PLUG Website

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Author: George Toft
To: plug-discuss
Old-Topics: Re: Something for PLUG Website
New-Topics: Alan --- installfest entrance instructions needed
Subject: Re: Something for PLUG Website
Ed Skinner wrote:
>      I have submitted MiscHowTo.txt.gz for consideration for the PLUG download 
> area. While pending approval for inclusion there, it is available now at:

>      Best regards to everyone...

> On Friday 11 June 2004 07:43, Ed Skinner wrote:
>>     I have something for the PLUG Website that should be of interest to
>>newbies and possbly even old-farts such as myself. For some years I've
>>slowly accumulated a list of notes on doing various things in Linux. I
>>think of it as my personal "big dummy" list -- it's how to do various
>>things that I don't do often enough to memorize. Some of the things go in
>>categories (setting up CUPS, printers and printing files in various ways)
>>and some things end up in a "one-liners list" of simple, one-line commands
>>for various purposes. Some are entries gleaned from this mailing list, by
>>the way. (Thank you!) I'm looking for a "good place" on the PLUG website
>>but the content crosses the boundary between FAQ (or more likely, "Not So
>>FAQ But Wish I Had") and something in the Downloads which, unfortunately,
>>ends up somewhat buried and hidden.
>>     Where do you think it should go?


Installment #1 from my brain (AKA PDA) - random thoughts. I separated
each entry with ==='s. In my PDA, these are all individual entries in
the "Geekdom" category.

Apache: Curing [crit] (17)File exists: unable to create scoreboard
(name-based shared memory failure)

[root@somebox https-somebox-80]# ps -ef | grep http
root      8419     1  0 14:32 ?        00:00:00 /opt/IBMIHS/bin/httpd -d
http      8420  8419  0 14:32 ?        00:00:00 /opt/IBMIHS/bin/httpd -d
(Note the master PID: 8419 - look for it in the following command)

[root@somebox https-somebox-80]# ipcs -p

------ Shared Memory Creator/Last-op --------
shmid      owner      cpid       lpid
0          root       1078       8605
32769      root       8419       8419

------ Message Queues PIDs --------
msqid      owner      lspid      lrpid

(Note the shmid and kill it)
[root@somebox https-somebox-80]# ipcrm shm 32769
resource(s) deleted
[root@somebox https-somebox-80]#

Apache: mod_ssl cert

Create Key:
openssl genrsa -des3 -rand file1:file2:file3:file4:file5 -out server.key
where file1:file2:etc represents the random compressed files

Alternate: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 1024

Remove passphrase from Key for unattended startups:
openssl rsa -in server.key -out server.pem

Create CSR:
openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

Generate Self-Signed Cert:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out

Installing Certs:
- Fedora:
cp server.crt /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.crt
(passwordless startup):
cp server.pem /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key/server.key
(password startup):
cp server.key /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.key
/etc/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/init.d/httpd start


Apache: SSL Cert

cd /usr/local/ssl/bin

./openssl req -new > new.cert.csr
./openssl rsa -in privkey.pem -out new.cert.key
./openssl x509 -in new.cert.csr -out new.cert.vert -req -signkey
new.cert.key -days 365

Then do:
cp new.cert.key /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key
cp new.cert.cert /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt

Restart Apache.

Apache: Test URL using telnet

telnet boxname port
GET /path/to/file/index.html HTTP/1.0

GET /path/file.html HTTP/1.1
[blank line here]


HTTP: Javascript: Redirects

<script>window.location.href = location.protocol + "//" + +

HTTP: Protocol Error Codes

100 Continue
101 Switching Protocols

200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Non-Authoritative Information
204 No Content
205 Reset Content
206 Partial Content

300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 See Other
304 Not Modified
305 Use Proxy

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Time-Out
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 Length Required
412 Precondition Failed
413 Request Entity Too Large
414 Request-URL Too Large
415 Unsupported Media Type

500 Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Out of Resources
504 Gateway Time-Out
505 HTTP Version not supported

IEEE 802 Working Groups

802.1 - High Level Interface
802.2 - Logical Link Control (LLC)
802.3 - CSMA/CD (Ethernet)
802.4 - Token Bus
802.5 - Token Ring
802.6 - Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
802.7 - Broadband Technical Advisory
802.8 - Fiber Optics Technical Advisory
802.9 - Integrated Services LAN
802.10 - Standard for Interoperable LAN Security
802.11 - Wireless LAN (WLAN)
802.12 - Demand Priority Working Group
802.13 -
802.14 - Cable TV Broadband Communication Network
802.15 - Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
802.16 - Broadband Wireless Area Network (BBWAN)
802.17 - Resilient Packet Ring (RPR)
802.18 - Radio Regulatory
802.19 - Coesistance Technical Advisory
802.20 - Mobile Wireless Access

iPlanet Web Server CSR

iPlanet 4:

iPlanet Web Server: Recovering Admin password

cd <admin server root>/config
echo "admin: " > admpw
log in via GUI with blank password

ISO HTML Standard

ISO/IEC 15445:2000 Hyper Text Markup Language
ISO: Editing ISO images

[mount cd in /mnt/cd]
cp -a /mnt/cd /tmp/myhappytestdir
umount cd
[edit files in /tmp/myhappytestdir]
mkisofs -rtm /tmp/myhappytestdir
mount -o loop mynewdisk.iso /tmp/spot # to test
cdrecord -rtm mynewdisk.iso

ISO: Mounting CD Images
The one-liner is this:

# mount -t iso9660 whatever.iso /mnt/iso/ -o loop

Lynx: Using Proxy

Add the following lines to your environment:
export http_proxy=""
export ftp_proxy=""


Mail Testing: POP

telnet 110
+OK <blah>
pass password
1 blah

Mail Testing: SMTP

telnet 25
HELO domain
MAIL FROM: <reverse-path>
RCPT TO:<forward-path>
mail here

Networking: Data Rates

T-1 - 1.544 Mbps
T-3 - 44.736 Mbps AKA DS-3
OC-1 - 51.84 Mbps
OC-3 - 155.52 Mbps
OC-12 - 622.08 Mbps
OC-x -> 51.84*x
DS-0 - 64Kbps
DS-1 - 1.544 Mbps
DS-2 - 6.312 Mbps
DS-3 - 44.736 Mbps

Networking: nslookup, dig, whois,etc on the web

Networking: RJ-45 Connector Sequence

Note: RJ-45 Connector Plug faces up w/ latch facing away from you

10/100 Straight-thru
Pin Connector #1 -- Connector #2
1 - white/orange -- white/orange
2 - orange/white -- orange/white
3 - white/green -- white/green
4 - blue/white -- blue/white
5 - white/blue -- white/blue
6 - green/white -- green/white
7 - white/brown -- white/brown
8 - brown/white -- brown/white

10/100 Xover
pin Connector #1 -- Connector #2
1 - white/orange -- white/green
2 - orange/white -- green/white
3 - white/green -- white/orange
4 - blue/white -- blue/white
5 - white/blue -- white/blue
6 - green/white -- orange/white
7 - white/brown -- brown/white
8 - brown/white -- white/brown

Gigabit Xover
Pin Connector #1 -- Connector #2
1 - white/orange -- white/green
2 - orange/white -- green/white
3 - white/green -- white/orange
4 - blue/white -- white/brown
5 - white/blue -- brown/white
6 - green/white -- orange/white
7 - white/brown -- blue/white
8 - brown/white -- white/blue

Note: Ensure jacket of cable extends past "strain relief" of plug when
inserted into the plug



Human-readable times: /usr/local/bin/tailocal

Life With qmail:


Reference: and

RAID 0 is the simplest RAID level, relying solely on striping. RAID-0 has
a higher performance in read/write speeds than the other levels, but it
does not provide data redundancy. Thus, RAID-0 is not recommended as a
data recovery solution.
Pro: Fast, easy to implement
Con: Not fault tolerant - failure of one drive results in data loss

RAID-1 (Mirroring and Duplexing) uses mirroring to create and store
identical copies on two drives. RAID-1 is simple and inexpensive to
implement; however, 50 percent of storage space is lost because of data
Pro: Redundant storage, easy to implement
Con: Implemented in software - requires processor time

RAID-2 uses bit-level striping; however, the solution is not often
employed because the RAID controller is expensive and difficult to
implement. (Hamming Code ECC; Includes error correction (Hamming code) on
another drive.)
Pro: "On the fly" data error correction
Con: More expensive

RAID-3 uses byte-level striping with dedicated parity. RAID-3 is an
effective solution for applications handling large files; however, fault
tolerance for the parity information is not provided because that parity
data is stored on one drive.
Pro: "On the fly" data error correction
Con: Difficult to perform in software

RAID-4 is similar to RAID-3, but it uses block-level rather than
byte-level striping. The advantage of this technique is that the block
size can be changed to meet the application’s needs. With RAID-4, the
storage space of one disk drive is lost.
Pro: High aggregate Read transfer rate
Con: Difficult and inefficient data rebuild in the event of disk failure

RAID-5 uses block-level striping and distributed parity. This solution
removes the bottleneck caused by saving parity data to a single disk in
RAID-3 and RAID-4. In RAID-5, parity is written across all drives along
with the data. Separating the parity information block from the actual
data block provides fault tolerance. If one drive fails, the data from the
failed drive can be rebuilt from the data stored on the other drives in
the array. Additionally, the stripe set can be changed to fit the
application’s needs. With RAID-5, the storage space of one disk drive is
Pro: Good aggregate transfer rate
Con: Difficult to rebuild in the event of a disk failure (as compared to
RAID level 1)

RAID-6 Independent Data disks with two independent distributed parity
Pro: Data is striped on a block level across a set of drives, just like in
RAID 5, and a second set of parity is calculated and written across all
the drives; RAID 6 provides for an extremely high data fault tolerance and
can sustain multiple simultaneous drive failures
Con: Controller overhead to compute parity addresses is extremely high

7 -

10 - Combination of RAID 1 and RAID 0

53 - Combination of RAID 5 and RAID 3

Resize NTFS

In Windows Safe Mode, defrag the hard drive

Boot SuSE 9.0 install CD-ROM and load rescue system.

See how much space can be reclaimed:
ntfsresize --info /dev/hdc1
You could resize at 10196025344 bytes or 10197 MB (freeing 10194 MB).

Dry run the resize:
ntfsresize --no-action --size 11000M /dev/hdc1
The read-only test run ended successfully.

do it:
ntfsresize --size 11000M /dev/hdc1

Repartition drive. See reference.


RFC Index
RFC 1960 - LDAP
RFC 1738 - URL Uniform Resource Locators (URL) Encoding
RFC 1777 - LDAP
RFC 1778 - LDAP String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes
RFC 1779 - LDAP String Representation of Distinguished Names
RFC 1808 - Relative Uniform Resource Locators
RFC 1866 - HTML
RFC 1960 - LDAP
RFC 2222 - Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
RFC 2254 - String Representation of LDAP
RFC 2256 - LDAP Acronyms
RFC 2616 - HTTP
RFC 2829 - Authentication Methods for LDAP


SASL is the Simple Authentication and Security Layer, a method for
adding authentication support to connection-based protocols. To use
SASL, a protocol includes a command for identifying and authenticating a
user to a server and for optionally negotiating protection of subsequent
protocol interactions. If its use is negotiated, a security layer is
inserted between the protocol and the connection.

- RFC 2222, Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL)
- RFC 2444, The One-Time-Password SASL Mechanism
- RFC 2245, Anonymous SASL Mechanism
- RFC 2831, Using Digest Authentication as a SASL Mechanism

- System Concept
- Planning
- Requirements
- Design
- Development
- Integration & Test
- Implementation
- Operation & Maintenance
- Disposition

Serial Console Linux Settings:

/etc/lilo.conf:    add the append line append=”console=tty0

/etc/inittab:    add the line below # Run getttys in standard runlevels:
         co:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty –h –L 9600 ttyS0 vt100

/etc/securetty:    add:  ttyS0 to the end of the file

Name             Value   Default    Event
SIGHUP           1       Exit       Hangup (see termio(7I))
SIGINT           2       Exit       Interrupt (see termio(7I))
SIGQUIT          3       Core       Quit (see termio(7I))
SIGILL           4       Core       Illegal Instruction
SIGTRAP          5       Core       Trace or Breakpoint Trap
SIGABRT          6       Core       Abort
SIGEMT           7       Core       Emulation Trap
SIGFPE           8       Core       Arithmetic Exception
SIGKILL          9       Exit       Killed
SIGBUS           10      Core       Bus Error
SIGSEGV          11      Core       Segmentation Fault
SIGSYS           12      Core       Bad System Call
SIGPIPE          13      Exit       Broken Pipe
SIGALRM          14      Exit       Alarm Clock
SIGTERM          15      Exit       Terminated
SIGUSR1          16      Exit       User Signal 1
SIGUSR2          17      Exit       User Signal 2
SIGCHLD          18      Ignore     Child Status Changed
SIGPWR           19      Ignore     Power Fail or Restart
SIGWINCH         20      Ignore     Window Size Change
SIGURG           21      Ignore     Urgent Socket Condition
SIGPOLL          22      Exit       Pollable Event (see streamio(7I))
SIGSTOP          23      Stop       Stopped (signal)
SIGTSTP          24      Stop       Stopped (user) (see termio(7I))
SIGCONT          25      Ignore     Continued
SIGTTIN          26      Stop       Stopped (tty input) (see termio(7I))
SIGTTOU          27      Stop       Stopped (tty output) (see termio(7I))
SIGVTALRM        28      Exit       Virtual Timer Expired
SIGPROF          29      Exit       Profiling Timer Expired
SIGXCPU          30      Core       CPU   time   limit   exceeded    (see
SIGXFSZ          31      Core       File   size   limit   exceeded   (see
SIGWAITING       32      Ignore     Concurrency   signal   reserved    by
                                          threads library
SIGLWP           33      Ignore     Inter-LWP signal reserved by  threads
SIGFREEZE        34      Ignore     Check point Freeze
SIGTHAW          35      Ignore     Check point Thaw
SIGCANCEL        36      Ignore     Cancellation   signal   reserved   by
                                          threads library
SIGRTMIN         *       Exit       First real time signal
(SIGRTMIN+1)     *       Exit       Second real time signal
(SIGRTMAX-1)     *       Exit       Second-to-last real time signal
SIGRTMAX         *       Exit       Last real time signal

SiteMinder: WebAgent

Agent Error Codes
Format = [AREA]-[ERROR] (example: 00-0001)

[00] Miscellaneous Errors
[0001] Unable to resolve Agent Name from IP address.
[0002] Illegal characters in URL.
[0003] Cookie received from a different IP address than the one to which
it was issued.
[0004] SLL Credentials variable contains a status of ERROR, indicating
that the SSL Credential provider could not return valid credentials.
[0005] FORM Credentials variable contains a status of ERROR, indicating
that the FORM Credential provider could not return valid credentials.
[0006] NTLM protected Resource not found in resource cache as expected.

[10] HTTP Header parsing Errors
[0001] Unable to read 'SERVER_NAME' HTTP variable.
[0002] Unable to read 'url' HTTP variable.
[0003] Unable to read 'method' HTTP variable.
[0004] Unable to read 'host' HTTP variable.
[0005] Unable to read 'uri' HTTP variable.
[0006] Unable to read 'REMOTE_USER' HTTP variable.
[0007] Url too long.

[20] SiteMinder Communication Errors
[0001] Unable to reach SiteMinder accounting server.
[0002] Unable to reach SiteMinder authentication server.
[0003] Unable to reach SiteMinder policy server.

[30] SiteMinder Password Services Error Codes
[0026] Password Services redirect URL is not available.

SSL Certificate Dates

openssl s_client -connect host:port l openssl x509 -dates

Sun Parts

Troubleshooting: RPC

Program not Registered
This is caused by the NFS server not running. To fix:
# cd /etc/init.d
# ./nfs.server start

vi Tips

- Search and replace:
:<startline>,<endline>s/<search text>/<repl text>/g

- Search and replace with confirm:
:<startline>,<endline>s/<search text>/<repl text>/gc

- Moving text:
:<startline>,<endline>m<new location>

- Copying text:
:<startline>,<endline>co<new location>

- Delete line that contains "string"

- Delete line that does not contain "string"

$ = last line
. = current line
Cursor Movement
G = end of file
$ = end of line

Interact with Unix
- Execute the command "pwd" on unix and return to vi
- Execute the command "pwd" on unix and capture the output into the file
being edited
- Exit out of the file being edited into unix temporarily

Read / Write from another file
- Write lines 1 through 10 from the current file to outfile
:1,10 w outfile
- Write lines 1 through 10 from the current file to outfile forcefully
:1,10 w! outfile
- Append lines 1 through 10 from the current file to outfile
:1,10 w >> outfile
- Read from infile to the current file below current line
:r infile
- Read from infile to the current file below line 23 of current file
:23r infile

- Set line numbers to visible
:set numbers
- Remove line numbers
:set nonumbers

Video: Convert MPG to AVI
$ mencoder -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg1video:vhq movie.mpg -o movie.avi

Video: Convert MPG to VCD

vcdimager movie1.mpg [movie2.mpg [movie3.mpg [...]]]

Video: Rip DVD to AVI

mencoder -dvd <track no> -lavcopt vcodec=mpeg1video:vhq -o <output

Windows: Get XPHome to Join a Domain

This is accomplished with the free and widely available Xteq X-Setup 6.1
by navigating to the "Network \ Auto Login \ Windows NT/2K/XP \ Settings"
option within X-Setup. Simply enter the appropriate information and click
"Apply Changes" - upon your next reboot, you can then join domains with
WinXP Home Edition.


Windows: Multiple Monitors

Xterm: Change Title Bar

echo "\033]2;your string\007"

xterm: Logging Keystrokes for xterm/dtterm

xterm -sb -sl 5000 -l -lf /var/adm/xterm.NAME.CSSREQ#.log -bg red -fg
black -ms red -title "ROOT WINDOW `uname -a`" -display

dtterm -sl 5000 -l -lf /var/adm/xterm.NAME.CSSREQ#.log -bg red -fg black
-ms red -title "ROOT WINDOW `uname -a`" -display &

George Toft, CISSP, MSIS
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