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On Tue, 2004-02-10 at 08:48, Michael Havens wrote:
> Could you possibly explain what you mean when you say
> that there is a "lack of multimedia"? My sound and video=20
> work (and your too so I suspect).=20
Well, I think that things don't 'just work' as far as multimedia goes.=20
If I install standard Redhat I can't even download an MP3 and play it (I
understand Redhat's reasoning here, and infact, I agree with it). But
that's just the tip of the iceburg, there are quite a few formats that I
can't play.
Basically, it just comes down to - there are lots of proprietary formats
out there, and Linux can't play them. I don't think that this complaint
will be going away anytime soon, but some people have claimed it is a
problem with general Linux adoption.
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