On Monday 09 February 2004 12:46 pm, Kyle Faber wrote:
> On Monday 09 February 2004 9:44 am, Vaughn Treude wrote:
> > > I purchased an NEC (model number escapes me, I'm at work) for home =
> > > and EMR purchased a Pioneer A-05. Both installed and burn under Re=
> > > 8/9 with no issues whatsoever. Neither came with any other hardwar=
> > > but the drive. Both are internal. Both ran about $150.
> >
> > Good! Since DVD burners are becoming so widespread, I figured that L=
> > would probably support most major brands. But it's also my
> > understanding that you can't convert analog video to digital without
> > special hardware, either integrated from the drive or separate. Most=
> > the promotional info for the drives say you can use them to copy home
> > videos, but I'm assuming that they're assuming the person has a digit=
> > video camera. Which brings me to my second question: have any of you
> > used video capture hardware under Linux?
As for hardware used to bring the source onto the hard drive, I'm a bit o=
f a=20
cheater, I'm using my roomates Firewire Video Capture device (simply RCA=20
(red-yellow-white) connection on one side, firewire on the other, connect=
to his OSX Panther machine. He's a film student/ novice director /=20
journeyman editor here in scottsdale, so he's got the big time rig.
Kyle Faber
Account Manager
EMR Internet
623-581-0842 voice
623-582-9499 fax
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